All Good Festival 2013
Event Info
Warrenton, Virginia - 07/01/2015
Looking for a ride for 2 people from Warrenton/Amissville, VA on Thursday morning—about 70 minute drive south of All Good. We had some last minute car issues, and we're always willing to contribute gas money! Peace & Love
Zip: 32931 - 07/20/2013
Leaving allgood Monday morning back to cocoa beach, Florida. 3-4 seats available! help with gas would be awesome if you could
Zip: 48103 - 07/18/2013
need a ride for me and my girlfriend. we travel light. Our car died yesterday and we have tickets in hand soooo if you can help a hippie out come by with the magic bus and miracle us a ride to the show.
Zip: 48103 - 07/18/2013
need a ride for me and my girlfriend. we travel light. Our car died yesterday and we have tickets in hand soooo if you can help a hippie out come by with the magic bus and miracle us a ride to the show.
All Good to Asheville - 07/18/2013
i need to find a ride down to Asheville. This is super last minute emergency. Will be happy to compensate!
Near akron, canton, cleveland,ravenna - 07/18/2013
i need to find a ride down to the fest . This is super last minute emergency. Hoping to link up with a ride to Asheville immediately ater
Columbus, OH - 07/17/2013
my girlfriend and i are leaving all good tuesday night after volunteer cleanup, trying to head west to red rocks amphitheater for string cheese on the 26th/27th. 614 603 1603 will compensate (pretty much) whatever you ask! thanks!
Thornville, OH - 07/17/2013
Leaving all good Mon. Going East on 70 to the Washington PA area. 2-3 seats available.
Zip: 44319 - 07/17/2013
I am going to see Franti in Cleveland Wed night. Leaving from wherever we crash after the show (Cleveland/Akron) Thurs morn. for all good. Have 3 empty seats, 2 comfy.
Zip: 15301 - 07/17/2013
Plans changed we are leaving at 3-4pm on Wednesday, and going north to Cleveland for Michael Franti at HOB Cleveland tickets are $25. Then down to all good Thursday morn. From Cleveland or Akron. And back to Pa Mon afternoonish. You are welcome to come for the whole loop, if you have Wed. free too. I have 2 seats right now. And can get you as far as Pittsburgh on Mon.(~);}
Zip: 22980 - 07/15/2013
I neeeeed a ride to All Good! I will love you forever!
Zip: 37404 - 07/14/2013
Hey looking for a ride out of the chattanooga/nashville area. just me and a backpack. more than willing to split expenses. Help me see lettuce!
Zip: 80303 - 07/14/2013
Hey! Two of us looking for a ride both days with a 4 day pass. We have gas money to pitch and are both friendly people! :) Thanks!
Zip: 60622 - 07/14/2013
Looking for a ride to and from All Good. I can share gas.
Let me know!
Zip: 21234 - 07/13/2013
Leaving for Allgood Saturday morning, probably around 5AM, I have a two day pass, from Baltimore, MD. definitely not trying to drive alone and would appreciate help with gas $$ [:
Indianapolis, IN - 07/13/2013
I have room for 2 people leaving Thursday (18th) in the morning from Indy near Broad Ripple. Looking to split gas cost, cheaper is better weeee Will be returning to Indy too and can give ride back. Good vibes in this car hit me up if you want to talk details 812-243-7398
Zip: 55406 - 07/13/2013
Have 2 spots at $70 a seat each way!
Zip: 22801 - 07/11/2013
I'm looking for a ride to Allgood leaving whenever from somewhere near Virginia.
Zip: 27260 - 07/11/2013
Me and my friend are trying to get to all good. We have gas money!
28625 Statesville NC - 07/10/2013
I have room for 2 people can pickup on the way to Ohio from NC as long as your on 77 north. Going to leave out Wednesday evening. Just pitch in on gas and be a cool ride along that's all I ask.
37183 - 07/10/2013
Need a from murfreesboro,tn to all good can help with gas call me 931 205 0455 ,
Chicago Illinois - 07/09/2013
Looking for some more cool people to help me out with gas costs. Probably leaving thursday morning from chicago area, get back to me soon if interested its coming up so soon!!
Zip: 53910 - 07/09/2013
hey i live in adams wisconsin . i would really like to goto the festival for all 4 days but i have no ride i can help with gas or what ever let me know plz
Wilmington, NC 28403 - 07/08/2013
Meeting up with people from Maryland and can't get there to go with them so if anyone is near Wilmington, NC and wants someone to split gas for a buddy then I'm your girl!
St Louis Mo - 07/08/2013
Lookin' for some people to join me on the journey to All Good! Leavin from STL very early thursday mornin', 3 at the latest and will be leavin thornviille monday mornin. I've got 2-3 seats left, and a pretty new reliable car with great gas mileage. Let me know if you're interested!
Zip: 28806 - 07/08/2013
trying to go to allgood, need a ride, have gas money, & great vibes.
St. Louis, MO - 07/07/2013
Leaving St. Louis late Wednesday (around midnight - after work). Leaving All Good Sunday around 4 p.m. after the North Mississippi Allstars. I have 4 seats right now.
Zip: 44133 - 07/06/2013
Offering a ride,5 seats available, from cleveland, ohio to All Good music festival. Leaving Thursday afternoon returning Sunday morning.
Zip: 49441 - 07/05/2013
Lookin for a Ride to all good really want to enjoy this festival for the first time and would love if someone could help make that happen good vibes!!
Zip: 60060 - 07/03/2013
Hello I am looking for a ride down to ohio from the northern suburbs of illinois. More than willing to pitch in for gas or make an exchange. 224 235 0979
32258/ Jacksonville, FL - 07/01/2013
Me and a friend will be leaving from All Good Monday AM to head down to Florida. I have two spaces in my car for anyone at All Good who needs a ride to Florida or anywhere along the way! Email me at for anymore info :)
62269/ St.Louis, MO - 07/01/2013
Heeey! Me and a friend will be leaving from All Good Monday AM to head down to Florida. I have two spaces in my car for anyone at All Good who needs a ride to Florida or anywhere along the way! Email me at for anymore info :)
62269/ St.Louis, MO - 07/01/2013
Heeey! Me and a friend are leaving from the St.Louis area for All Good Wednesday night or eeearly Thursday AM. I have 2 seats open in my car for anyone in the STL area or anyone on the way from STL to Thornville! I will be heading down to Florida after All Good, which you are welcomed to ride down but have to find your way home! Or I can drop you off at a bus stop after All Good or whatever. Email me at for anymore info :)
Zip: 80302 - 06/30/2013
Hi! Looking for a ride for someone with a 4 day pass to All Good from Boulder. I have other friends going, but most of them are full and I figured I'd give this a shot. Please let me know!
Winchester, Virginia - 06/30/2013
Hey Festivarians, I have 3 seats to All Good, I have a 2010 Pathfinder, so well have room. Also I am traveling in a caravan, so the more the merrier cant wait to meet you~ L.
Zip: 30324 - 06/29/2013
Traveling from Atlanta to All Good and I have 1 spot available. If you can throw in for gas money and can pack light let me know I would be happy to share the All Good love!!!
43067, Thornville OHIO - 06/28/2013
I found a ride to All Good, Just need a ride back! I would LOVE to go back to Indiana, but anywhere is nice. I just need to go to the city to get a bus ticket, or... a few friends to travel with! get ahold of me and we can talk! Furthur and Nahko, here I come!
Zip: 11768 - 06/27/2013
Looking for a ride for 2! we can drive to meet you somewhere closer to the festival. Cannot use our car to drive the full way. Will throw in gas money and good laughs. Also looking for a ride back
Zip: 49008 - 06/26/2013
Looking for a ride to All Good from Kalamazoo Mi. I plan on volunteering
Zip: 49006 - 06/26/2013
Me and my best friend are looking for 2 ride to All Good from Kalamazoo, MI
Richmond, VA - 06/25/2013
was looking for a ride but now considering driving. leaving the looking 17th and looking for 2 people. willing to negotiate for gas n such. hit me up:) i dont wanna do this drive solo.
21403 annapolis maryland - 06/24/2013
heady ass terrapin trying to see furthur and pretty lights and i am a sign flying expert also I NEED A MIRACLE EVERYDAY
Zip: 32837 - 06/24/2013
leaving on the 17th and returning on the 22nd from Florida can fit 3-4 people in my car with minimal bags split gas and driving responsibilities
Colombis, ohio - 06/18/2013
A freind and i will be arriving late on the 17th to Colombis airport and then returning to the airport on Monday. Wondering if anybody could scoop us up?
Roanoke, Virginia - 06/17/2013
i am leaving roanoke va on wednesday the 17th i will have room for 2 people. if you are near me or on the way and not too far i can pick you up. all i ask is that you be kind :)
Zip: 12498 - 06/15/2013
from Woodstock ny have mini bus , plenty of room , im performing there need help w/ gas ,
23220 (Richmond VA) - 06/04/2013
looking for a ride from richmond VA or NOVA area. willing to negotiate :) i neeeeeeed a ride!
Zip: 19073 - 06/01/2013
Will have one other rider with me. Friendly and talkative hula hooping acrobats who want to spread the love!
Hurt Virginia (near lynchburg) - 05/21/2013
Me and a couple buddies plan to go to All Good. We had a ride but something came up. We are willing to throw in on gas and whatever else if the prices are negotiable. Thanks man.
Zip: 30306 - 05/20/2013
Need a ride to Ohio! Willing to negotiate prices :)
Fairfax, Virginia - 05/20/2013
have 7 seats available in my van can pick up/ drop off anyone from va to oh as long as your remotely on the way. asking between 50-100 for round trip depending how far off we have to steer off track. Let me know as soon as possible to secure your spot.
Zip: 99901 - 05/17/2013
need a ride to Primus in Alaska (AK) 2013. I'll be ferry hopping throughout the Inside Passage and will likely be in Ketchikan before the concert. Would love to go to both the Fairbanks and Anchorage shows. Email me if your going & let's see if we can carpool
Zip: 19074 - 04/21/2013
I wanna go to the all good festival.. a ride back would ideal as well, I can throw in for gas money and whatever else may be needed!
Zip: 19103 - 04/14/2013
will throw in for gas!!!
Zip: 46750 - 04/14/2013
I need a ride to All Good. As of right now I am going alone!! Will pitch in for gas.
Columbus, OH - 03/23/2013
I will be flying in to Columbus for the All Good Music Festival. I will be getting in late on 7/17/13 so will be shacking up in a hotel for the night. A ride from Columbus to Thornville early to late morning on the 18th would be seriously All Good man!! Please e-mail me if you will be on this route as well and I of course will pitch in on the fuel! Thanks much :) - Ashley

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