I'm a female and looking for a ride with another female only. Willing to split gas but can't drive
Bonnaroo 2011
Event Info
Looking for Bonnaroo 2025?
Zip: 60008 - 03/28/2014
need a ride from rolling meadows,IL to ann arbor, MI.
I'm a female and looking for a ride with another female only. Willing to split gas but can't drive
I'm a female and looking for a ride with another female only. Willing to split gas but can't drive
San Diego, California - 11/20/2013
San frannnn anyone
Zip: 92110 - 07/30/2011
Hey looking for a ride
Zip: 02130 - 06/12/2011
Looking for a ride back to the Boston area on Sunday night. More than happy to chip in for gas. Let me know if you have space!
Chattanooga Airport - 06/10/2011
I'm looking for a ride to the Chattanooga airport on Sunday 6/12 (hopefully arriving around 5, but can be as late as 6:30 or any time earlier).
Nashville Airport - 06/10/2011
Arriving around 11 pm Friday night (or maybe 545 if I get lucky with standby) happy to share a rental car or pay for any costs associated with driving from there. Email or text 516.384.7933
Zip: 64093 - 06/09/2011
my car broke down shortly after driving four hours to pick up a wrist band. I have gas money and other entertainment. PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Corey
37355/Bonnaroo - 06/09/2011
Hey everyone. I need a ride to Chattanooga Airport Monday anytime before 2pm. Will pay for gas! 25/M Thanks!
Manchester Tennessee, Bonnaroo campground - 06/09/2011
Me and my friend need a ride from Bonnaroo back home to Houston TX. I can help pay for gas and help drive.
Zip: 41018 - 06/08/2011
male 22 (birthday on saturday!) grad student at cmu graduated from morehead state and dixie heights high anything else holler at me 859-957-7217
Zip: 40769 - 06/08/2011
Needing a ride, only me and my stuff
Zip: 40065 - 06/08/2011
Leaving Thursday morning-room for up to 3 and lots of gear will pass by Louisville on way
Zip: 37075 - 06/08/2011
I can't leave for Bonnarroo until Friday morning. Or late, LATE Thursday night. Will anyone be passing through the Nashville or surrounding areas
Zip: 20815 - 06/08/2011
My riders skipped out on me Tuesday night; I can take two comfortably to Tennesse. Comfy Audi wagon for the ride! Lots of gear for camping. Cheers!
Zip: 30349 - 06/08/2011
Im flying into atlanta (landing 9:20 am Thurs), renting a car and Heading to the roo! I will have room for up to 3 people(to and from Atlanta). Must be willing to pay up front for travel exp (50 if your on the way, 75 if your on the way but require some detouring). I'm open for dialogue/negotiation and trades/barter. The traveling cost me quite a bit so anything to offset the cost would be great!
Zip: 07728 - 06/07/2011
2 recent University of Delaware grads looking to some people to our squad and save some money on gas. Leaving mid day Wednesday.
Zip: 32766 - 06/07/2011
I need last minute ride to Bonnaroo since my ride bailed on going. I live in Oviedo near UCF.
Zip: 74134 - 06/07/2011
Zip: 37072 - 06/07/2011
will meet halfway on I-24. I do have my wristband
Nashville - 06/07/2011
Still needing a ride Spots still avaliable.
Zip: 44113 - 06/07/2011
leaving wed morning. meeting a friend in cleveland, tn wednesday night. you'd have to make yr own accommodations that night. also, contribute what you can for gas.
Zip: 44240 - 06/07/2011
Hey. my name is Josh and my ride crapped out on me at the last second. I live in Kent OH. Could meet elsewhere if nec. 330-554-6607
lalke charles,la - 06/07/2011
leaving lake charles la wed. after noon have room for 1-2 more peeps
Zip: 61554 - 06/07/2011
Have good reliable Subaru. room for 2 and gear. Must have gas money. Round trip. wednesday thru monday.
Zip: 07663 - 06/07/2011
call me if you need a ride. my bf and i are gonna rent a car, looking for two people to help with the cost. We are 28/36, chill & fun people. text me if interested. Leaving thursday early morning, back by early monday.551-795-4035
Zip: 21117 - 06/07/2011
So far only taking down my buddy in my car, have room for one, possibly two more. We're very laid back and would not mind adding two more for the long trip!
Potomac, MD - 06/07/2011
drivin down wednesday. leaving at 6pm. coming back when i wake up on sunday probably during the afternoon. lincoln mkz 2009 probably going to be about 100 bucks split for one way.
Zip: 33418 - 06/07/2011
I have three seats open, leaving from PBG. If you live south and can get a ride up, I can give you a lift. Can pick up people in PBC area, PSL, Orlando, Ocala and Gainesville along the way.
Zip: 11205 - 06/07/2011
just won tickets to bonnaroo for a friend and i, both ladies in our mid-twenties, looking for a ride from the NYC area. we're willing to meet nearby (NJ/LI/CT) if needed! (posting this tuesday 6/7, fyi, it bothers me that these postings aren't timestamped!)
houston, TX - 06/07/2011
I can meet anyone within an hour of baton rouge, willing to put up 0. Would like someone who is ok with me camping next to them.
Zip: 70706 - 06/07/2011
I can meet anyone within an hour of baton rouge, willing to put up 0. Would like someone who is ok with me camping next to them.
Zip: 46074 - 06/07/2011
Have space for up to 2 people. Leaving Indy Thursday AM, leaving Bonnaroo around 2:30 on Sunday
Zip: 77304 - 06/07/2011
We are taking a large truck w/ covered bed and have space two more (3 w/one in the middle) Looking for friendly Houstonians to help defray the cost of fuel. We plan to leave tomorrow afternoon (6/8/2011)
Zip: 10029 - 06/07/2011
Room for 3. Leave NYC late Tuesday night/early AM Wednesday. Returning when festival ends early AM monday morning. 0/person roundtrip
Zip: 11218 - 06/07/2011
Two mid-twenties ladies offering a ride for 2 people ideally leaving wednesday back sunday/monday. We just ask that you split the gas with us and not be crazy!
Zip: 49006 - 06/07/2011
room for 3 comfortably or 4 if we all want to be good friends. great gas mileage- you have to pay your part of gas. I'm leaving during the evening on 6-8-2011
45209/Cincinnati - 06/07/2011
I'm looking for someone who is leaving after the music ends Sunday-anytime Monday who is going to or passing through Cincinnati. I'd be willing to pitch in for gas and even drive if wanted. I have a valid drivers license and State Farm Insurance. Feel free to text me since it is so last minute: 513.263.0309. Thanks in advance!
37214 / BNA - 06/07/2011
Arriving Thursday 6/9 @ 10:00am. Need a ride from airport to festival. I will gladly pay fair share of travel expense. 26m solo
Zip: 45220 - 06/07/2011
1-3 friends needing a ride.. let us know if you have AT LEAST 1 open seat, because that works for us...we just prefer the 3 of us riding together. but 1 works
Mansfield, Ma - 06/06/2011
Howdy, catering the Phish show Tuesday in Mansfield, trying to leave from there or early weds. I will be sober after the show, so I'll be good to drive us part of the way there that night. I have a legit license, gas $$, and one backpack.
Zip: 10035 - 06/06/2011
27 year-old member of the musical press trying to get to the 'Roo for my first time. Hoping to camp with some folks and generally just throwdown. Let me know, excited to see and meet everyone!
Zip: 08901 - 06/06/2011
Hello, I'm a first timer looking for a ride to Bonnaroo. I'm 23, laid back and fun.
Zip: 02780 - 06/06/2011
motorhome with 3 girls 3 guys 19-25 leaving wensday late morning 1 or 2 open spots for any ladys intrested in a ride down and back 774-263-4050 call or text
Fort Collins, CO - 06/06/2011
We've got three people either offering a ride for a few people, or willing to jump in your car and head down to Roo and back. We'll be taking of sometime Wednesday. Please email, or text/call me at 9705569566
Charleston, South Carolina - 06/06/2011
20/f with a fuel efficient car needs someone to split gas with!
Carrollton, Georgia - 06/06/2011
Most likely coming up 75 through Atlanta and Chattanooga. We have room for 2-3 people.
Zip: 60042 - 06/06/2011
Two young ladies looking for a ride!!! We pack lightly and will contribute gas money!
Zip: 07663 - 06/06/2011
I am looking for a ride for myself and my boyfriend - 28/35 - and maybe one ticket for him. We need to leave no earlier than thurs evening and return sun night. Thanks. Happy travels and hope to hear from you.
Joli & Jay
Zip: 10022 - 06/06/2011
Hey we're a young couple, first timers at roo. we should be leaving Tuesday or early wednesday from here, looking for a third person. We would prefer someone who has been to roo before, but it's not a must. We also have an extra ticket for sale (face value). Please don't bring tons of stuff, but be sure to have your own tent. thanks!
Zip: 70605 - 06/06/2011
wanting to leave Wednesday. Vehicle died today. 2 people desperately needing a ride.
Roswell, GA 30075 - 06/06/2011
Need a ride to festival and back - one person - I have people I am meeting there to camp with
12571/red hook upstate ny - 06/06/2011
hey guys!! im a single rider with a car but it needs repair and is not in shape to make the trek out to tennessee i can meet somewhere that isn't exactly in my town...im scheduled to volunteer post festival and wouldn't want to waste the good vibes, wonderful lineup, and the 250 dollar refund!
Zip: 21228 - 06/06/2011
Looking for someone to ride down to Bonnaroo and split gas costs/driving time. Leaving Wednesday morning, and leaving Bonnaroo Sunday morning. Have a 2010 Acura RDX and can fit up to 3 more people.
Zip: 08648 - 06/06/2011
SUV with 2 (maybe 3) seats in the back. Leaving TUESDAY night -- this is my 7th Bonnaroo and I like to arrive early to beat the traffic. Returning the Monday following Bonnaroo.
k2h 5e1 - 06/06/2011
Need a ride to Bonnaroo to meet up with friends. Will split on gas and driving if needed. Thanks. Let me know ASAP
t4b2a3 - 06/05/2011
Me and my pal are flying down to bonnaroo and hitchhiking back, we like music and good times. My friend plays the mandalin and i sing and play harmonic! if we could tag along for a lil well that would be cool :)
Zip: 10010 - 06/05/2011
looking for a ride! i wont have too much stuff, will throw in for gas obviously
chattanooga - 06/05/2011
Looking for a ride from the airport! Plane estimated arrival time is 5:30 pm. Will give gas money!!
Zip: 38122 - 06/05/2011
Hell, my name is Thor. I am not going to Bonaroo, but I am driving from Cedar Rapids to Memphis today (June 5). I just thought it would be cool to be part of someones adventure. It's going down!
call me at 9142175530
Zip: 35803 - 06/05/2011
one guy, one frame pack. trying to get there Wednesday.
Atlanta, Ga - 06/04/2011
I'll be passing through Atlanta to drive to Manchester either wed night or thurs morning if you need a ride there. I volunteer post fest so you'd need to find a place to stay til wed night after the festival or find a ride back.
Zip: 32301 - 06/04/2011
I'll be passing through Atlanta to drive to Manchester either wed night or thurs morning if you need a ride there. I volunteer post fest so you'd need to find a place to stay til wed night after the festival or find a ride back.
Zip: 80223 - 06/04/2011
Have an extra seat possibly two. Leaving Tuesday at 6pm. Any takers
Manchester, Tennessee - 06/03/2011
Headed North Monday morning thru Nashville, Stl, Kansas City, Omaha, Sioux Falls.
Zip: 62040 - 06/03/2011
Hey folks, I'm a volunteer leaving in Tuesday morning. I have room for 2-3, depending on how much shtuff you got. All I ask is for a little gas money..new car, so probably only a tank to get there. Shoot me an email and we'll make it happen.
Zip: 23235 - 06/03/2011
Driving up Thursday night (leaving around 5PM) I'm renting a car, so any money you want to throw my way would be appreciated. I am actually turning it in Tullahoma, but I'll drop you off as close as I can before traffic stops me.
You would need a ride back (I should have room for 3, but it's a compact so there isn't much storage space- I only have one bag-the rest is going up a day earlier with my friends).
Zip: 37388 - 06/03/2011
Renting a car for a one way trip. The rent a car office is in Tullahoma, and I would rather not pay a cab to get to Manchester. I won't be in until Friday (either around 2 AM, or 8AM depending on if I stop the night before)
Zip: 10039 - 06/03/2011
two 21 yr old students looking for a ride to roo. obviously will split gas and were real easy going good people
New York City - 06/03/2011
20 year old from Cornell University. Ride ditched me June 2.
Zip: 34688 - 06/03/2011
Leaving Tarpon Springs Wednesday coming back Monday. I have room for 2-3 passengers.
Zip: 33149 - 06/03/2011
Hey! friends all bailed on me Now it looks like im going to bonnaroo alone this year, looking for camping buddies and a ride to the fest. Im a fun guy add me at facebook.com/christhemetz to see!
happy rooing
also if you have a ride feel free to call or text me at 305 924 8171
Zip: 30609 - 06/03/2011
I've been looking for a ride, but no luck. So looks like I'm driving. Let me know if you'd like a ride. You can meet me here, or if you are close.
Zip: 37343 - 06/02/2011
I got an extra seat if anyone is interested. All I ask for is a lil gas money and some good convo. Leaving EARLY Thursday morning.
Zip: 28704 - 06/02/2011
Looking to car pool (riders or a ride) leaving either Wednesday or Thursday from Asheville and returning Monday.
Louisville, KY - 06/02/2011
looking for a ride to the roo by the 7th (Tues) I'll of course throw some green your way!
48103 / Ann Arbor - 06/02/2011
Hi! Looking for anyone close enough to Ann Arbor to help me out. Text or email me, thanks.
Lizzie (734-474-1456)
Zip: 23860 - 06/02/2011
Hey, My name is Steve and I need a ride to Bonnaroo :-D
New York, United States - 06/02/2011
3 22-25 guys looking for another person to rent a car with and go to the Roo. Our 4th backed out and we need another to share rental+gas.
Orlando, FL 32826 - 06/02/2011
Heading to Roo from the UCF area, looking to split gas with up to 2 people. Meeting some friends right before heading into Roo to set up a campsite, any riders are welcome to join. Tentative schedule is leaving Wednesday evening, getting back Monday evening.
Zip: 20010 - 06/02/2011
We are two 24 year-old fun/easy-going girls looking for rides just one-way to roo! Looking to leave Wednesday AM.
Zip: 90039 - 06/02/2011
i have a ticket.. and no one to go with.. and no ride! if i dont find one im going to sell my ticket..
Zip: 29588 - 06/02/2011
The friends I was supposed to go with just bailed & I'm looking for a few people to share the ride/camp with. I can comfortably fit 2 people and supplies & will be leaving early Wednesday in order to arrive Wed evening.
I'm a 25 year old guy, starting grad school soon, and this will be my second Bonnaroo ('09). Really laid back and easy to get along with. E-mail me if you're interested.
Zip: 34683 - 06/02/2011
i'm an 18 year old girl with a jeep looking for someone to drive up with me so i don't have to ride alone. it'd also be nice to have someone help with gas. call or text me at 727 804 6117.
Zip: 15010 - 06/02/2011
Need a ride to bonnaroo! Will help chip in for gas! can meet up in the pittsburgh area if needed!
Zip: 21204 - 06/02/2011
Leaving Wednesday evening and driving through the night!
Gastonia, NC - 06/02/2011
First-time Bonnaroo-er looking for company on the ride up. I'm heading up on the 7th to volunteer.
Zip: 57103 - 06/02/2011
room for 2 leaving from Sioux Falls, SD Tuesday morning. Can meet up along the way... Also, room on the way home
Beaver Falls PA - 06/01/2011
21 male looking for ride- very chill and wont cause problems! can afford gas and food!
Nashville International Airport - 06/01/2011
Hey Roo-ers! Two of us gals are flying in Wednesday night around 10pm. We were planning on renting a car, stopping at a Wal-Mart for some last minute goods and food/beer and then head down to Manchester! We can fit 2 others. It would be awesome to split the rental car and gas! Let me know if you are interested!
Zip: 48236 - 06/01/2011
driving an RV from the Detroit area to Bonnaroo on Wed. night, returning Monday... have room for four people... need 150 from each to cover gas and expenses... don't get stuck on the interstate in a car for 10 hours... can party on our RV and not worry about a thing..!
Zip: 43201 - 06/01/2011
Two Bonnaroo first timers are looking to carpool with some people down to Manchester from Columbus, OH. We are both willing to help with gas and other expenses. We are both male, age 23 and 26. We both have to work on Wednesday so would not be able to leave until about 4 or 5, but we are both willing to drive through the night to get there early Thursday morning.
Nashville Airport - 06/01/2011
Land at airport on 6/10 @ 10a...drive to Bonnaroo...leave from same airport 6/13 4a...compact rental car; 2 seats avail.
Nashville Airport - 06/01/2011
Need to get there by Tuesday June 7th. I am volunteering and need to make sure I am there in time to check in.
Zip: 07648 - 06/01/2011
Looking for 1 or 2 girls to pick up for the ride ...to share the driving & gas. We wouldn't be leaving until Thursday because of work.
Zip: 34135 - 06/01/2011
Reliable driver with reliable mini-van. Genuine 60's hippie looking to add yet another show to the long list of concerts I have attended, e.g. Beatles, Woodtsock, etc, etc. Email me, if we can work it out let's go!
Manchester, Tennessee - 06/01/2011
I need a ride from Roo to St. Louis. Will help pay for gas. My ride is heading to Cali. and I have a ride available in St. Louis home in Iowa.
Zip: 01432 - 06/01/2011
19 male. I'm flying down early but I'm looking for a ride back to Mass. I can pitch in for gas.
60181/villa park - 06/01/2011
I live in Villa Park, looking for a ride to the farm. Definently will throw down money for gas, Im a 21 year old guy.
BNA - 06/01/2011
I am arriving by plane on Wednesday around 3pm and will be looking for a ride to the festival. Would love to carpool, split a taxi, whatever gets me there in one piece. Would certainly split costs. Can't wait!
Zip: 33901 - 06/01/2011
Need ride from Ft Myers. Willing to drive reasonable distance to meet up with others. Will provide gas money
Zip: 77071 - 06/01/2011
Leaving Tuesday, have room on the way up, not on the way back. Need your own place to stay Tues. night.
Zip: 23229 - 05/31/2011
Heading out early Tuesday morning to volunteer at Bonaroo. Happy to give a ride if you'll split gas.
Zip: 08050 - 05/31/2011
Offering a ride to 1 person. We have two going counting me in a Subaru Impreza hatchback, so you can't have toooo much stuff. Throw in for gas and the spot is all yours (Probably about 150 round trip @20mpg) We plan on leaving Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, will be camping Wed night at the old stone fort to meet up with friends, and will be entering Thursday early am. If you are anywhere north of my location and can manage to get an NJ Transit bus into toms river park and ride I can pick you up from there.
Zip: 48104 - 05/31/2011
Yo! My friend and I are looking for a ride down, would be awesome if you could help us out. Goes without saying we'd share gas expenses, etc.
Zip: 48104 - 05/31/2011
Need ride for my brother and I, will pay for gas and share drive time if needed. Only hold-up is that we must be back EARLY monday morning at least so my brother can catch a flight. If this works for you, contact me! Thanks.
Zip: 89134 - 05/31/2011
22/m 25/f from vegas to bonnaroo leaving 6/6
Zip: 01854 - 05/31/2011
Chevy Trailblazer driving down, lots of room. Will be 2nd 'roo for me and my friend, leaving the 5th for volunteering! Will be fishbowling the entire way down :)
Zip: 34207 - 05/31/2011
there are 2 of us in an xterra leaving wed. hit us up if interested.
Zip: 75254 - 05/31/2011
I can drive someone to Roo. Leaving Tuesday May 7th.
Gettysburg, PA - 05/31/2011
camping at gettysburg national park monday and tuesday nights, leaving wednesday for bonnaroo. only a one way trip though, b/c i'm visiting asheville, nc for three nights after roo before heading north
Zip: 14420 - 05/31/2011
Looking for a ride to bonnaroo, friend bailed, willing to split ride costs, RIT student
Zip: 80026 - 05/31/2011
1 cool couple and an RV so far..
Zip: 60005 - 05/31/2011
2 college kids (1 guy, 1 girl) looking to share a ride! We're volunteering, so we need to leave Tuesday morning. Hit us up if you like kettle-cooked chips and roadside trivia.
Zip: 02145 - 05/30/2011
I'm a 22 year old laid back female looking for trustworthy travel companions! I'm 420 friendly looking for safe drivers looking to have fun! I can throw down on gas and will bring water& munchies to share!
Zip: 07307 - 05/30/2011
I'm a 19 year old college student looking for a ride down as a group of friends I was to go with dropped out at the last minute. I am willing to split gas money and provide good chat, and hopefully we can have a great Bonnaroo.
Washington, District of Columbia - 05/30/2011
21 y.o. male student looking for a ride from the DC metro area; meeting up with my crew traveling down from Indy; return ride needed as well; plenty of gas $; went last year and had a blast!
M5S 2N5 - 05/30/2011
a music loving friendly girl looking for a ride to bonnaroo!
Zip: 10025 - 05/30/2011
I'm driving to Bonnaroo from the NYC-area (actually taking a bus to Allentown, PA to pick up my mom's car and then driving from there, which is about forty five bucks round trip from nyc). I have room for 1. We've got 3 people right now altogether. We are looking for a very chill, smart, fun person to ride down with (and camp with, if you'd like).
A little about me: I'm 25 and I work in children's music and theatre. I'm very laid-back and love good conversation. This will be my first Bonnaroo, though I've been to Burning Man. The two others are really chill people - a college friend (female) who is currently living in San Diego and a very cool, resourceful, fun guy I met through this very rideshare. We're looking for a fun, interesting, open-minded, no-drama person. I looked up gas prices, and if we have 4 people in the car, it'll come out to about forty - fifty bucks each, round trip, for a total of about 0 with the bus ticket. Let me know if you're interested in talking more!
Zip: 37217 - 05/30/2011
All Day Shuttle Service from Nashville Airport (BNA) to the festivals front gates and in between! Visit our site for details or Email us!
http://bonnaroo.wholesalegrinder.com / GetToBonnaroo@gmail.com
Nashville, TN Airport - 05/30/2011
Arriving at Nashville, TN Airport on Friday, 6/10 @ 4:30, looking for a ride the rest of the way! 24/yr male solo
Zip: 37129 - 05/30/2011
All Day Shuttle Service from Nashville Airport (BNA) to the festivals front gates and in between! Visit our site for details or Email us!
http://bonnaroo.wholesalegrinder.com / GetToBonnaroo@gmail.com
Zip: 19406 - 05/30/2011
We have an SUV of 3 leaving June 6th, since one of us is a volunteer. We have room for 1 or 2 more. Returning overnight from 12th to 13th. Just pitch in for gas.
Ocala, FL - 05/30/2011
My husband and I (27 & 26) are driving to Roo in our truck and are hoping to find someone who needs a ride and wants to split gas money. The truck has no a/c though, just a heads up. We're leaving Wed morning, stopping in Macon to meet up with friends and then continuing up to the farm. Coming back Sunday night or Monday morning, whenever we can get out. We're a laid back couple who likes to party!
If you need a ride and you're in the area, let me know!
Zip: 66044 - 05/30/2011
Currently driving solo from Lawrence, KS. Looking for some people to travel down with.
Zip: 60657 - 05/30/2011
Two ladies, 25 and 27, need a ride to Bonnaroo!! We have an ez-up and some other supplies. Will pitch in for gas and shade!! Please let us know if you have space for us1 We're in the West Lakeview/Roscoe Village area.
Boston, Massachusetts - 05/30/2011
22 year old female looking for trustworthy travel companions!
Atlanta - 05/30/2011
19 year old college student need a ride and back from ATL. Had 2 groups of friends back out last moment so I am without a ride. 420 friendly. Will put in for gas/booze/etcetc. Have ez up and other supplies.
Indianapolis, IN - 05/29/2011
Room for two people coming from Indianapolis, leaving either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on a few things.
Coming back through Indianapolis Monday after Bonnaroo.
Zip: 23455 - 05/29/2011
3 friends need a ride to bonnaroo. we are all of age and responsible, willing to help out with gas!
Haddam CT - 05/29/2011
Two 20 y.o. bros driving down to Broo Wednesday looking for some chill people to fill the 2 empty seats.
Zip: 91711 - 05/29/2011
male and female 21 year olds leaving the 6th,taking an extra day in nashville on the way back.room for 1,maybe 2
Zip: 43210 - 05/28/2011
due to a final exam, i have to leave from columbus, OH at 11am on thursday! my car definitely won't make it... i need a ride, por favor!! think about it, the wait and hassle of getting in will be significantly less; i'll share gas cost and we will still make it for Band of Skulls!!
Zip: 74647 - 05/28/2011
need people to ride with
Zip: 53711 - 05/28/2011
Looking for a passenger, split the cost of gas, and company for the drive. Let me know!
Zip: 22030 - 05/28/2011
my friends/ride bailed on me. looking for a ride down on weds
Memphis, TN - 05/28/2011
2 guys in their 20s riding from Memphis who are offering rides to anyone who may need them. Help with gas is appreciated. 2 seats available.
Zip: 32082 - 05/28/2011
Me and my 2 buddys are looking for a ride since my car broke down... Someone please help us!!
Zip: 78704 - 05/28/2011
Need a ride for a couple. Ages 30 and 32. Been to Bonnaroo before, want to share gas and driving if needed.
Knoxville, TN - 05/28/2011
I only need a ride to Knoxville, late Sunday or early as possible Monday so I can catch a bus to DC from there ...cheers
Zip: 63122 - 05/28/2011
Need a ride to Bonnaroo by Tuesday as Im a WET volunteer...if you give me a ride, I help you with gas, its a win win win for all as we are all going to bonnaroo :)
Zip: 01545 - 05/26/2011
My friend and I are looking for a ride down to bonnaroo. 25 and 24 years old, laid back. Was going to rent a car but with security deposit its just a bit too much for me, but maybe some other people want to throw in More than happy to help with gas and stuff.
Zip: 15116 - 05/26/2011
hey, i need a ride to bonnaroo! someone please help me, live in pittsburgh! 412-266-8262
Zip: 63130 - 05/26/2011
Hey all-- We're a couple of WET volunteers looking to hitch a ride to the roo around Tuesday June 7th. Pls help us not have to pay greyhound any more than we need to! Would also be willing to meet within an hour's drive or so.
Zip: 28805 - 05/26/2011
I'm Adam, and I'm working the tollbooths this year so I've got to be there by Tuesday June 7. My ride cancelled so now I have to find my own ride there. I don't need a ride back. I'll help pay for gas though and its my 3rd time going so I can give some advice if anyone needs it. email amilch2@gmail.com
Nashville Airport - 05/26/2011
Looking for a ride to get to the airport on Sunday. Anyone leaving early that will be passing through the airport let me know!
Zip: 53208 - 05/25/2011
First time rooers need a ride for two people!
Zip: 18451 - 05/25/2011
Possibly driving to Bonnaroo, definitely going, but I'm not sure if I want to be a passenger or drive myself. If I can find 2-3 passengers to split the 0ish in gas/tolls(gas guzzler), I'd definitely drive. So, if needing a ride please e-mail, maybe we can work something out.
Zip: 60181 - 05/25/2011
Me (a girl) and my friend Chris (a boy) are leaving out of Elmhurst. Willing to pick up good, worthy people that are willing to throw down for gas. LETS DO THIS!!!
Zip: 76102 - 05/25/2011
2 people in need of ride. Share gas and driving. Prefer leaving on 6/8 return 6/13.
Zip: 33486 - 05/25/2011
Leaving from Boca Raton, find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/mikebatt87 or send em a message on here. there are a few seats available. hit me up
Zip: 10031 - 05/25/2011
Hey we're four girls in need of a ride to the Roo from NYC and back. Our ride fell thru, so we are in desperate need of a ride! We are willing to pay for the gas for the trip and some $ to you for your trouble, or to rent a car. You can email me if you have any questions. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!
15221/Pittsburgh - 05/25/2011
4 VIPers looking for a few more so we can rent a nice SUV for the ride down. Leaving from Pittsburgh and driving through Columbus, Cincy, then straight through Kentucky. Would prefer another VIPer and/or someone who can split the driving with us, but mostly just some cool people to share the experiences with.
Nashville Airport - 05/25/2011
Two of us are flying in on Wednesday night - our flight lands at 5:45pm. Anyone heading to to 'Roo that evening ... with possibly a supply run in mind We'd love to chip in for your ride down! :)
m6g1c1 - 05/25/2011
2 Guys offering a ride to Bonnaroo from Toronto.
Richmond, Virginia - 05/25/2011
exchange student from england traveling alone and trying to get to my first bonnaroo. Please help, Andy
Zip: 11743 - 05/25/2011
I can go to the city as well
Zip: 11106 - 05/24/2011
Two Roo veteran's heading down for our 5th year on the farm. Had a friend backout last minute on Sunday and am looking to fill her open seat. We have a friend riding back so we can only fit one person. Would prefer a female only because with our friend backing out that leaves our other friend with nothing but 5 other guys to talk to haha, but a guy will do if we can't find anyone. Hit us up and tell us your story. We could definitely meet for a beer in the city.
Zip: 57601 - 05/24/2011
Had a ride, however due to unforseen circumstances i no longer do. Will not need a ride back just there. I have plenty of gas money.
Thanks for the help
Knoxville - 05/24/2011
I'm arriving tues morn for pre roo, and I need a ride to Nashville, if possible. Gas and tolls on me. Thanks!
Zip: 66046 - 05/24/2011
Live in Lawrence, KS and dont want to drive by myself so would like to jump in with some cool people...and obviously will pitch in for gas.
Zip: 33605 - 05/24/2011
My name is Courtney. I'm 27. My friend Megan (23) and I are looking for a ride, as our friends are douches and bailed on us. Obviously willing to split gas costs, etc. You can find me @ facebook.com/your.move.bishop. I know it's short notice, so any contact/feedback is much-appreciated.
Zip: 10001 - 05/24/2011
I'm a tollbooth volunteer renting a car with 2 other volunteers. Let me know if you you're interested in joining us for the trip.
Zip: 95060 - 05/24/2011
Two responsible 22 year old female/male who need a ride to Bonaroo, good for gas
Nashville, Tennessee - 05/24/2011
Need a ride from the airport in Nashville to Bonnaroo, two people! Around 2:30pm on wednesday
Zip: 27615 - 05/24/2011
Leaving Raleigh on Wednesday. Planning to camp out somewhere west of Asheville Wednesday night and get up early Thursday and go the rest of the way to Roo. Have space for one, maybe two people in our car for round trip ride.
Zip: 02347 - 05/24/2011
can fit 1 or 2 females in are rv for the ride down where leaving on the 8th at about 11 am
Nashville Airport - 05/23/2011
arriving @ 9:45pm on thursday night and driving down in a rental car after grocery stop. If you are cool with a late arrival and want a ride hit me up
Zip: 28052 - 05/23/2011
I'm looking for some like-minded, easygoing folks to share the ride with. I can certainly pick you up, if it's not too far out of the way, and all I ask in return is that you pitch in on the fuel costs. My vehicle is a comfortable sedan with great A/C - and enough trunk room for camping essentials.
About me: I'm a 25 year old guy from Brooklyn, NY visiting the south for a while, meeting up with a big group of friends at the festival. Let's talk, and have a great Bonnaroo!!!
Zip: 65807 - 05/23/2011
leaving wends night to pick up friend at nasheville airport thurs morn- just me in the car right now and would love some company and gas money!!! Thanks!!
Meigs st, Rochester NY - 05/23/2011
We have 2 open seats available! Looking to fill them and split gas 3 ways
Zip: 14304 - 05/23/2011
looking for a ride to ROO from niagara falls/buffalo area. i will go whereever i have to go to get a ride! my phone number is 716-9906705
Zip: 60626 - 05/23/2011
23, female
Zip: 63128 - 05/22/2011
Hey! Two cool two girls looking for a ride/ share a ride & costs to roo. hoping to leave early thursday/ late wednesday
Zip: 37214 - 05/22/2011
All Day Shuttle Service from Nashville Airport (BNA) to the festivals front gates! Visit our site for details or Email us!
Zip: 45243 - 05/22/2011
i am volunteering at the fest this year. i have to be at roo on tuesday. any other volnteers need a ride shoot me an email rb305404@ohio.edu
Zip: 19711 - 05/22/2011
Car with 1 extra spot leaving from Newark, DE
Mobile, Alabama - 05/22/2011
Stuck on the bottom of the map! Will happily split gas and drive time, just get my butt to Roo!
Zip: 87501 - 05/22/2011
I'm an easy-going 21 yr. old girl, will pay my share for gas. I've been to Bonnaroo three times before.
Zip: 78738 - 05/22/2011
I'm an easy-going 21 yr. old girl, will pay my share for gas. I've been to Bonnaroo three times before.
Zip: 21212 - 05/22/2011
we have 5 people going. would like to split up into 2 cars, or looking for more people to chip in to rent a very large vehicle
Zip: 90038 - 05/22/2011
My buddies bailed on Bonnaroo, but I am still meeting people there, so I have 3 seats in a car leaving Los Angeles on June 6 or 7...getting to the Bonnaroo grounds Thursday morning, June 9.
I am traveling to other parts of the country after Bonnaroo, so this ride is ONE-WAY.
Gas split will be required from wherever I pick you up.
Let's do the Roo!
Moscow - 05/21/2011
21/f/heaven - gotta seat for 1 person baybay!
Manchester, Tennessee - 05/21/2011
My bf and I are driving down to bonnaroo with a few people from NJ. This group has VIP passes, but my bf and I only have general admission tix. The dilemma is that we will be carrying a tent and a piece of luggage each and i hear walking from the entrance to a camp site etc. is BRUTAL. I was wondering if someone be able to meet us at the GA entrance (if you are going through that entrance) and drive us to a camp spot. We will be in TN on tues night/weds morning. we could be camp buddies if it all works out :)
happy trails!
Zip: 716 - 05/21/2011
male, 21 need a ride, have extra camping equipment if needed
Zip: 02648 - 05/20/2011
I am meeting up with some friends at the show but I need a ride down and back
Zip: 55812 - 05/20/2011
Two friends looking for a ride, willing to split gas.
Zip: 22904 - 05/20/2011
Need a ride for early arrival. I will be doing Clean Vibes and need to be there on the 7th. Will throw in gas money, driving time, good company. 3rd Bonnaroo!
Zip: 21227 - 05/20/2011
Friends bailed and need a ride to roo with some awesome people. Willing to split gas and driving.
Zip: 30075 - 05/19/2011
34-year-old male with room for 1, maybe 2. Leaving Thursday morning. First timer here. Plan to arrive before 4:20, but definitely by 4:20.
Zip: 28574 - 05/19/2011
I'm poor! Gas is expensive! If you are on the way between me and Bonnaroo, I'd probably be able to give you a ride!
Zip: 17268 - 05/19/2011
My friends were going to go with me they cant afford to. Now I am going solo but need a ride! Will split gas :)
Zip: 48858 - 05/18/2011
Me and my buddy are desperately looking for a ride to Roo. Two chill guys, very laid back and good company. Will provide our share of gas money
Zip: 33141 - 05/18/2011
Hey everyone, I'm driving to Bonnaroo but only ONE WAY,as I'm flying home. maybe this works for you
Mississauga - 05/18/2011
1 male looking for a ride.
Zip: 20740 - 05/18/2011
Group of 3, looking for a ride from DC area and back. We're all nice and willing to split gas/toll costs.
Zip: 94720 - 05/18/2011
Have Room for 2 Roundtrip
and room for 1 one-way to TN
Cost of trip is split amongst people in car, simple as that! Email me for more info
Zip: 16444 - 05/18/2011
We're renting a car and hoping to cut down on traveling costs by carpooling. There are 2 of us coming from Erie, PA (female/21-22). We'll be going from Erie and going through Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati. With 4 people traveling it would be about 100 dollars per person for traveling costs. If you are interested let me know!
Zip: 75204 - 05/18/2011
looking for 1 rider to fill the car. so far, 3 of us, with roo experience. 420 friendly
Zip: 14150 - 05/18/2011
Soccer Mom Van from Tonawanda,NY leaving Tuesday night. If you can make it to where we are, we can rideshare. Thanks!
Zip: 48415 - 05/17/2011
I am Volenteering and must be there on June 7th from 10 to 6pm! if anyone is in the same boat and is driving down I will split costs with them, no doubt. I am 5.8. 150 so I am small and dont take up too much room! Thanks
Zip: 42349 - 05/17/2011
My name is Benny. I'm a 27 year old fella that needs a ride to Roo. This'll be my fourth year. I'm going alone, unless you pick me up. I'd be cool to find some ppl to hand with on the farm. Hook a hippie up!It'll be good Karma points!! Peace...
Miami - 05/17/2011
Hello my names is Emilia! My best friend Jess and I are looking for a ride to the roo. The thing is, she lives in Miami and I live in Gainesville. I need someone who is willing to get her in Miami and then pick me up in Gville on the way there. We can help with gas and we have a two room tent if you need somewhere to sleep.
Zip: 32771 - 05/17/2011
Im photographing Bonnaroo this year. Looking for a ride up there if anyone is willing, Ill split gas. www.stankruslicky.com check me out!
Zip: 43212 - 05/17/2011
Large RV with cool people looking for the same to join in on the ride down.
Zip: 53211 - 05/17/2011
Zip: 87108 - 05/17/2011
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Zip: 66547 - 05/17/2011
26 year old male with little baggage to bring. Friendly, funny and open to anything that goes down. Email John. Thank you!
Zip: 02760 - 05/16/2011
Need 3 open seats, got all the necessary gas money!
Zip: 20009 - 05/16/2011
Me and two lovely lady friends are seeking a ride in exchange for driving time, gas money and great company! xoxo --dianna
Zip: 55437 - 05/16/2011
I am heading to Roo for the first time and plan on driving. I have space for 2 - 3 people to ride along. Send me a message if you need a ride.
Zip: 32601 - 05/16/2011
My name is Read Coburn. 21, male student at UF. I'm just lookin to split the gas with anyone. I can drive if necessary, but my car is shit on MPG. I'm a cool dude, i promise (regardless of the fact i just called myself a cool dude) Cheers!
Zip: 32708 - 05/16/2011
My name is Read Coburn. 21, male student at UF. I'm just lookin to split the gas with anyone. I can drive if necessary, but my car is shit on MPG. I'm a cool dude, i promise (regardless of the fact i just called myself a cool dude) Cheers!
Zip: 13210 - 05/16/2011
Take me to roo with you!! Need a ride for one person. I won't have much stuff, as I'm meeting someone who is bringing my camping supplies. I can help out with driving and gas, but I'm not the best driver :)
Zip: 21043 - 05/16/2011
looking for one or two people to go down with a couple. Looking to leave Wednesday midday possibly, leave bonnaroo Sunday night. Looking to split gas.
Zip: 33063 - 05/16/2011
I'm an 18 year old girl with a license and gas money to throw down. You can contact me on Facebook (Tally Rowsey).
Zip: 27103 - 05/16/2011
Got my ticket, but my friends with cars bailed and I'm still determined to go. If at any point you'll be within two or three hours from Winston-Salem I could probably arrange to meet you along the way. Thanks :)
Zip: 26505 - 05/15/2011
Chill, likable male going to first roo. Will split travel expenses.
Zip: 32304 - 05/15/2011
My girlfriend and I are volunteering post fest and will be driving up on Wednesday if anyone else is volunteering post fest and wants to split gas.
Zip: 20912 - 05/15/2011
Two 22yr-old girls volunteering for bonaroo. Need to arrive and check in on Tuesday May 6th.
Manchester TN - 05/15/2011
My Niece needs a ride from Bonnaroo to the Chattanooga airport early Monday AM (I'm driving back)... to catch a 7:45 flight... hoping to find her a ride. Thanks!
Zip: 76013 - 05/15/2011
I'm going to be driving from DFW to Manchester, TN... and back... perhaps a slight detour through Carbondale, IL or Memphis, TN... or wherever... tentatively leaving on June 8th and I have to be back by June 15th. 27 yo.
72701 Fayetteville, Arkansas - 05/14/2011
Going to Bonnaroo but none of my friends have the money to go with me. 420 friendly.
Zip: 10012 - 05/14/2011
My friend and I are looking for a ride to Bonnaroo. We are in the NYC area. We are both in our mid-20's and I have been to Bonnaroo once before. We are very excited, and looking for fun people to carpool with!
Zip: 11706 - 05/14/2011
24 year old female looking for a ride for me and my 27 year old boyfriend, this will be my 6th year if i can make it there.
Zip: 78749 - 05/13/2011
Offering a ride for one to leave Tuesday PM and leave Roo late Mon AM. Split gas and driving (stick shift).
Main Street, 60172 - 05/13/2011
Guy/34 going solo to Bonnaroo for the first time. Offering ride for up to 3 people and their stuff fitting comfortably in my SUV. Leaving ~early on 8th to try to get a good camping spot.
Zip: 85032 - 05/12/2011
I am planning on driving to bonnaroo 2011 if i can get me plus 3.
Zip: 28451 - 05/11/2011
Taking 95 & 20 most of the way, so I'll be going through the middle of SC near Columbia, Atlanta & Marietta GA, and Chattanooga, TN. I drive an Isuzu Rodeo, so I'll have room for at least 2 & your stuff. I am a pre-fest volunteer so I'll be at Roo from Sunday June 5th to Sunday June 12th.
Zip: 11206 - 05/11/2011
TWO 20-something VOLUNTEER ladies going down to bonnaroo a few days early.... hopefully leaving Monday 6/6. Looking for a ride but not unwilling to split the costs of renting a car. We are super cool obviously. Any other volunteers PLEASE hit us up! :)
Zip: 48192 - 05/11/2011
Have room for two. Split driving and gas.
Zip: 77354 - 05/11/2011
2 smokers in a 95 mercedes E300d, looking for 1 or 2 more chill people to enjoy the ride
Zip: 23223 - 05/11/2011
Need Ride to Roo and back. name's Sean
Rockville/Silver Spring - 05/10/2011
I'm looking for a ride to Bonnaroo!!! I'm from MoCo and super chill, just looking for some chill people to travel with and enjoy 4 days of music! :)
Zip: 27612 - 05/10/2011
I am have RV with a few spots left. If you aren't interested in staying in an RV, I can still give you a ride from the Raleigh, NC area to Bonnaroo and drop you off at the camping section. Willing to offer a round trip ride. Email me at towerofbabble@gmail.com
Zip: 75056 - 05/10/2011
needing a ride to the Roo
Calgary, Canada - 05/10/2011
me and my buddy (both 20) are looking for a ride down to roo. we can meet you somewhere or come straight from calgs. we're a class act and can come up with some pretty crazy harmonica songs at times. if you're okay with this give us a jingle on my email and we'll sort it out!
Zip: 32789 - 05/10/2011
Two people with large SUV looking for one or more riders. We're fun :)
Zip: 38120 - 05/09/2011
In Germantown/Cordova
...heading to roo Wednesday mid-day, two seater, would love some company for the trip. Single male/52...
4th roo...
Zip: 07030 - 05/09/2011
First time Bonnaroo attendee, going with a buddy of mine from D.C.. We are both in mid 20s. I am however driving a minivan down from Hoboken which means there are 2 more spots (well 4, but the 2 in the back will not be comfortable at all).
Going from Hoboken Wed @4 am, and coming back to NYC area on Mon night/Tue early morning (3-4amish at the latest), because the plan is to see a little bit of Nashville Monday morning. Anyways if you need a ride, enjoy a good time, feel free to drop me a note.
Zip: 95521 - 05/09/2011
Hello there! We are two responsible college students driving to Bonnaroo from Humboldt County and looking to pick up 1-2 people on the way to ease the cost of getting there to all our pockets! We cannot provide any other amemnities other than a ride there and back, we have our own camping arrangements already planned. Please contact us if you are interested in getting picked up, thanks!
Zip: 91902 - 05/09/2011
Hi. The Gf and I signed up to be volunteers and we have room for two in my toyota sienna. I pulled the seats out and put memory foam in the back so there is a ton of room and its super comfy. We are planning on leaving Sunday June 5th, Let me know if we can work things out. :) Been to coachella 5 times, this is my first rooooo. We are both super cool and easy to get along with... On the way out there expect to listen to lost of music, watch more then a few dvds, and maybe play some catch phrase. Shoot me an email and lets work things out. :-)
02141/ Boston - 05/09/2011
my sister and I need a ride to Bonnaroo!! We can meet in new york or somewhere close by and are willing to help with gas and snacks!
Downtown Knoxville, TN - 05/09/2011
Offering ride from Knoxville, TN on Wed June 8 around 6 pm.. Flying into Knoxville and likely renting car. Would like to split costs with group of people. Also looking for people to camp with since I am going solo
Zip: 37037 - 05/09/2011
Offering round trip shuttle from Nashville airport. I am available when 24 hours.Contact me for pricing.
Zip: 28216 - 05/08/2011
Hey positive peaceful need a ride to the roo PLEASE
Vancouver, BC - 05/08/2011
3 people(26,20,20) looking for ride down to the Farm. We'll pay for gas if you do the driving! Laid back, easy going, good times
2055 Alcoa Highway Alcoa, TN 37701 - 05/08/2011
Flying into Knoxville from San Francisco on Wednesday June 8 at 5 pm. Would love to do rideshare with people down to Bonnaroo. Can help with gas, rental car, etc.. Need to be back at Knoxville airport by Monday 6 pm.
Zip: 14617 - 05/07/2011
Leaving wednesday am traveling solo would like some company for the long ride
marietta ga - 05/05/2011
two 20 year old males need ride to bonnaroo. please help!!!
Zip: 53215 - 05/05/2011
first time rooer going down by myself will be renting a car and will have room for at least 1 person who is willing to chip in on gas
Zip: 44102 - 05/04/2011
23, laid back, fun, going for my first time, and solo! i would love to hitch a ride with someone
Zip: 11706 - 05/04/2011
First time Bonnaroo attendee, and I need a ride! My name is Billy and I'm graduating high school, but not looking to get wasted on any car trip.
Chicago, Illinois - 05/03/2011
We hav an RV one way trip leaving on the 6th. Room for 2-3 ppl sharing expenses. Cheers
Zip: 60008 - 05/03/2011
Two college students have room for about two more!
Zip: 10009 - 05/03/2011
Hey, I'm a 23 year old first time bonnaroo attender. I had three people and a car until yesterday when everyone dropped out. I bought my ticket any way and am determined to somehow get there. I guess I'm laid back, like to drink/party whatever, and just really want to go. Would be definitely willing to help out with any expenses. Let me know!!!
30909 Augusta, GA - 05/02/2011
Me and another person need ride, could possibly meet up in ATL if need be.
Zip: 19810 - 05/02/2011
My car won't be able to handle the drive, some friends bailed on rides, would be awesome to meet cool people willing to do a pick up from farther north going south! Please and thanks, Isabella
Zip: 16201 - 05/02/2011
Must be over 21. 2-3 seats availible. First come, first serve.
Zip: 17007 - 04/30/2011
looking to split gas with somebody. either in my car or yours. this will be my 4th roo.
Zip: 33186 - 04/29/2011
Name's Cesar, really chill 23 yr old dude that needs a ride to Bonnaroo really bad. Willing to split all expenses with whomever can give me a ride over, also got plenty of supplies and camp stuff to share. 420 friendly =)
Zip: 28277 - 04/29/2011
May have room for 1 pre-fest volunteer. Leaving early Sunday returning following Monday. 4th time @ Roo....
Zip: 07661 - 04/27/2011
21&22 year old fun girls need a ride to bonnaroo! willing to throw in gas money and whatever else needed to have fun! :)
looking for a mix of girls and guys, or even just a group of genuine chill girls !
columbus georgia - 04/27/2011
columbus ohio - 04/27/2011
Vinalhaven, ME - 04/27/2011
Looking for a ride to roo from northeast (can meet somewhere). im 20/f, first roo!
Zip: 75071 - 04/27/2011
yee-haw! bonnaroo or bust!
Philadelphia - 04/27/2011
Hello! We are 3 people from the NJ area, willing to meet you on your way. We'll pay gas and whatever is fair. We'd need to leave Wednesday afternoon/night and be back Monday morning. Email me at back.roxanne@gmail.com
Zip: 07470 - 04/27/2011
Hello! We are 3 people from the NJ area, willing to meet you on your way. We'll pay gas and whatever is fair. We'd need to leave Wednesday afternoon/night and be back Monday morning. Email me at back.roxanne@gmail.com
Zip: 95020 - 04/26/2011
can travel or be picked up. will be doing clean vibes post show clean up so I will need others who can stay 3 extra days
R3L 1X3/ Winnipeg - 04/26/2011
A couple looking for a ride to roo
Zip: 60201 - 04/26/2011
2 senior girls from Northwestern need a ride to Bonnaroo!
Zip: 24401 - 04/26/2011
I have two seats open. This is my 4th year going. Please be super chill
Zip: 30143 - 04/25/2011
I live in jasper GA looking for someone to ride with me in my truck to roo and camp with I only have a single cab truck so only 1 passenger but hit me up
Zip: 10027 - 04/25/2011
3 individuals need a ride to/maybe back from the event
Zip: 08904 - 04/25/2011
3 girls willing to chip in for gas and food. We're easy going and have great taste in music. We're going for all 4 days and need a ride there and back. Let us know :)
winnipeg manitoba - 04/25/2011
I'm heading down for my 4th Bonnaroo and all my friends dropped out at the last minute. I'm up for splitting gas and can help drive if neccessary. I'm a VERY easy person to get along with. I look forward to hearing back.
Zip: 28704 - 04/25/2011
Ride for two. A couple. 2nd year festival goers.
Zip: 22152 - 04/24/2011
Leaving northern VA on Sat June 4, arriving to Manchester on the 4th, working prefest volunteer duty, leaving 'roo on Mon the 13th and arriving back in NOVA late on the 13th
Zip: 48198 - 04/23/2011
Got room for 2-3 people
Zip: 22202 - 04/23/2011
looking to drive/carpool from dc
Zip: 33021 - 04/23/2011
Single dude looking for a ride to Roo! i live in Hollywood would drive as far up to west palm to meet up with anyone that could give me a ride. thanks and happy festivities.
Patterson Street Nashville, TN 37203 - 04/22/2011
Hi Guys!My name is Nikki, my boyfriend Tristan and I (first time Bonnarooers from Canada) are looking to carpool with some nice people on Wednesday night to set up campsites. We are more than willing to split costs and we can promise relaxed and happy company. :)
Look forward to hearing from you!
TN 37203 - 04/22/2011
Hi Guys!My name is Nikki, my boyfriend Tristan and I (first time Bonnarooers from Canada) are looking to carpool with some nice people on Wednesday night to set up campsites. We are more than willing to split costs and we can promise relaxed and happy company. :)
Look forward to hearing from you!
Zip: 32084 - 04/21/2011
Me and my boyfriend were gonna drive up, but it would be great to get a ride instead.
Zip: 02563 - 04/21/2011
Looking for a ride for myself and 2 of my friends (two girls 1 guy in all). Will definitely throw down money for gas, and we're very 420 friendly :)
Zip: 94107 - 04/20/2011
Im Andrew and my buddy and are driving out from SF/Tahoe area. Need 2 more people in my car. 2,500 miles each way making it 5,000 total miles. Gas will probably be around 900-1000 roundtrip so with 4 people in the car around 250 a person total for transportation. Plenty of room for all your gear.
Get back to me asap.
Zip: 34668 - 04/19/2011
need a ride to bonnaroo and back got gas money and treats and also laid back
Zip: 32927 - 04/19/2011
Zip: 32810 - 04/18/2011
28 year old guy here, super chill and laid back. My buddy bailed on me but I still want to go. I don't mind being at Bonnaroo with new people I just met but it'd be nice to have company for the ride up!
Zip: 90029 - 04/18/2011
Hi! We're two (almost) year old females looking for 1 or two more riders to trek it across the country for Bonnaroo! Email if you're interested!
Zip: 1104 - 04/17/2011
I'm a 24 yer old Female looking for a ride to Bonnaroo.
Zip: 63110 - 04/16/2011
Have 2 spots available! Please contact. We are volunteering with WET, not sure what day we need to be there
Chicago, Illinois - 04/16/2011
Montreal, QC - 04/16/2011
We are two girls looking for a ride. Let's have a fun roadtrip!
Zip: 77389 - 04/15/2011
looking for a one-way ride there. very chill. of course gas would be 50/50
Zip: 23188 - 04/15/2011
Hi! I'm in Williamsburg, VA and willing to drive 3-4hours to jump in someone's car and share their gas expenses to/from Bonnaroo.
Zip: 37830 - 04/14/2011
20 year old Brazilian, going to volunteer at bonnaroo. Really excited about my first music festival
Zip: 50701 - 04/14/2011
this will be my 9th year. need a ride to Bonnaroo and will split gas no problem. I'd like to arrive on Wednesday June 8th. I don't need a ride back.
Zip: 50312 - 04/13/2011
I will be volunteering roo this year. Still waiting to see if I get pre-fest. If I get prefest I leave Saturday the 4th. If I don't then I leave Monday the 6th.
Zip: 59803 - 04/13/2011
Email me at andytbarnes@yahoo.com to learn more. Car has 3 early 20s people so far. So room for 1-2 more comfortably. We're very easy to get along with, looking to share Bonnaroo experience (as well as gas costs) with new friends.
Zip: 80033 - 04/13/2011
Cool friendly 23yo guy going for the first time. Looking for a ride out of Denver and back home. Have an extra ticket and gas pitch to Offer.
Zip: 61761 - 04/13/2011
Large SUV that can hold 1-2 more people! There's 2 girls & 2 guys right now leaving Wednesday afternoon.
Rochester, New York - 04/12/2011
Zip: 03055 - 04/12/2011
1 male and 1 female with extra ticket to trade for a ride. contact for more info
Ashland, Oregon - 04/10/2011
Two fun loving college boys looking to get across the county we can probably get to anywhere on the west side of the country to get to you.
Zip: 42431 - 04/09/2011
cluster of attendees
Zip: 10003 - 04/09/2011
Looking for a ride from NYC to Bonnaroo. Like to leave on Wednesday and return Sunday or Monday. Will help out with gas, food and whatever else. Looking forward to meeting new people!
Zip: 92110 - 04/08/2011
Hey we're offering a ride from SD, CA.... Email me if interested!
Zip: 04219 - 04/08/2011
21 yr old male, looking for a trip down. Would pitch in for gas, etc
Zip: 01463 - 04/06/2011
I have one maybe two seats if you can get to the grater Lowell are, just my brother and I going.
McHenry, Illinois - 04/05/2011
would love a ride from anyone that can offer one i bought my ticket and my friends all dropped out for our third year just let me know what you will need gas,alcohol,ect. and thank you
New York, United States - 04/04/2011
(second post different email)very 420 friendly! we are 18 and 21 yrs old and are willing to meet any where in NYC Tri-state area. It would be my girlfriend, possibly another friend or two and I. It will be our first time at Bonnaroo(IF we can get a ride down)and we are very excited!We are all very kind fun people and would be more than happy to split travel fees as well as pay some monetary compensation!
feel free to contact me by my email or phone # 917-297-4354
-Henry wachtel
10019, New York, New York - 04/04/2011
It would be my girlfriend, possibly another friend or two and I. It will be our first time at Bonnaroo (IF we can get a ride down), we have been planing this trip for almost a year unfortunately our ride fell through. We are all very kind fun people and would be more than happy to split travel fees as well as pay some monetary compensation!
feel free to contact me by my email or phone # 917-297-4354
-Henry wachtel
nashville, tn - 04/03/2011
Most likely going solo this year. Taking my VW bus so I will have extra room for someone who needs a ride to the farm from the Nashville area/airport.
Zip: 47001 - 04/01/2011
offerin a ride for 1 or 2 people
Zip: 01930 - 04/01/2011
new brighton - 04/01/2011
hey! me and my friend need a ride to our first bonnaroo!!!!!!
Zip: 36265 - 04/01/2011
Jacksonville student and i have a ticket TEXT ME AT 256 794 0154.
Zip: 36265 - 03/31/2011
Jacksonville student and i have a ticket
92054 San Diego CA - 03/31/2011
21 year old female needs a ride from San Diego county!
Zip: 05153 - 03/30/2011
College student in need of a ride. I can manage to get to almost anywhere in New England to meet you, and will obviously contribute to gas and driving. 420 friendly would be appreciated =]
Zip: 75246 - 03/29/2011
I need a ride and will help with gas. 420 friendly.
Zip: 30609 - 03/29/2011
I'm a college female and I'm really excited for my first music festival. I'm looking for other people who will be volunteering. You are more then welcome to stay a night here in Athens with me. Its a fun city!
Zip: 48858 - 03/28/2011
I live in Mt. Pleasant MI, and will be volunteering at this year's festival, which means I need to leave on Tuesday, most likely. Willing to give money for gas, as well as extra for the hospitality.
Zip: 07746 - 03/27/2011
Willing to split costs evenly and im a super fun young energetic individual.
Zip: 60563 - 03/26/2011
In chicago suburbs and volunteering, have a friend coming along too. Would really appreciate if there was room for two.
78701 Austin - 03/24/2011
3/4 people.. We come all the way from Europe
37201 Nashville - 03/24/2011
3/4 people.. We come all the way from Europe
Zip: 24060 - 03/23/2011
Got room for 1, maybe 2 if you can squeeze in. Leaving Wednesday evening and coming back Monday.
Zip: 76086 - 03/23/2011
I have a car that gets great gas mileage, or just looking for someone that can take me. Looking to split gas/driving.
Zip: 84105 - 03/23/2011
Me and my roommate are planning on driving from Salt Lake, and heading through Wyoming, Nebraska and Missouri.
Zip: 15419 - 03/23/2011
Help! I need a ride to Bonnaroo this year! I can meet you in western PA.
Denver, Colorado - 03/22/2011
I am driving from Denver to Roo and back and looking for a couple cool kids to ride along with me and chip in on gas, hit me up if you are interested.
Zip: 01970 - 03/20/2011
Hey, I'm trying to find someone to go with. I plan on driving down or finding a ride. I can fit 3 other people. You only have to chip in a little for gas, but not much!
Zip: 20619 - 03/20/2011
looking for a ride leaving wednesday, coming back monday. I can help pay for gas, food, whatever you need.
Zip: 73020 - 03/19/2011
Me and my step bro are going and need a ride or can split one, I only get 18mpg so, I was hoping someone going has a more gas efficient car
Toronto, Ontario - 03/19/2011
We have an RV and will be driving down on Wednesday from Toronto, ON. 4-5 spots available. Accommodation in RV also a possibility (split cost).
easy-going, open minds only, please.
Zip: 32224 - 03/19/2011
Hi, I'm a UNF student from Jacksonville. Stoked about bonnaroo but i need to carpool. Let me know if you have any room. I'm a really chill chick :D
Zip: 55051 - 03/18/2011
I can take 50 people.
33137 Miami FL - 03/18/2011
My girl and i really need a ride from Miami this year(4th year at roo). Please help!!!
Zip: 01432 - 03/17/2011
I have one or two spots open in my car. If I get those one or two other people I'll rent a car like I have the last four years. Otherwise I'll take my Jeep CJ7 down. I'm Mark. I'm 27. I drive part time for UPS and work inside the building part time. MUST be 420 friendly. :-)
Zip: 73071 - 03/17/2011
i want to go to bonnaroo and none of my friends can afford it, i can provide a ride or ride with someone i just dont want to go alone.
Zip: 76002 - 03/17/2011
share gas and driving, looking for one or two riders.
Zip: 96744 - 03/17/2011
I have a canoe and enough fish to sustain us for a week at most. Who's in
Zip: 95389 - 03/15/2011
taking greyhound from yosemite to chattanooga nashville or manchester
Zip: 35501 - 03/15/2011
We should have room for one person if anyone wants a ride! Will pick up if you're on the way! :)
Nashville - 03/14/2011
20 - Belgium - Wednesday night approx. 9pm
Dallas, Texas - 03/14/2011
need a ride
san antonio - 03/14/2011
Zip: 80247 - 03/14/2011
East Denver, laid back guy. Not 100% sure I'm going but if I do am very much interested in carpooling. Should know within a couple weeks if I'm going or not
Zip: 71635 - 03/13/2011
needing a ride from the bottom of Arkansas to the bottom of TN. pretty much haha
Zip: 11205 - 03/13/2011
Join us on the NYC Bonnaroo Bus email me or visit http://nycbonnaroobus.eventbrite.com
Zip: 48092 - 03/13/2011
My friend and I are looking for cool ass people who would be willing to let us hitch a ride with them :)
Zip: 55401 - 03/13/2011
I would like to go from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area... have been to roo the past 4 years and would like to go again.
Zip: 78749 - 03/13/2011
Zip: 18643 - 03/12/2011
Broke college student needs a ride! I'll help with driving and gas. My 4th year going.
46385/Valparaiso - 03/12/2011
I'm leaving Wednesday around noon-thirty and may stop in Bloomington Indiana and Nashville to for a short visit with great friends and other Rooers. I'm driving by myslef and have plenty of room in a reliable comfortable car and am willing to offer a ride.
Zip: 48185 - 03/12/2011
single passenger needs ride to bonnaroo. cannot drive (poor vision) but can pack bowls and navigate. also willing to throw 3:2 on gas.
Zip: 30701 - 03/12/2011
Driving up early Thursday Have room for 2+gear
Zip: 32927 - 03/12/2011
Zip: 63112 - 03/12/2011
Heading to the festival alone this year, looking for a ride from St. Louis
Zip: 19707 - 03/11/2011
College student looking for a ride from around DE/Philly area. I live in Hockessin.
Zip: 14709 - 03/11/2011
can meet in buffalo, rochester or anywhere in the vicinity.
Zip: 55345 - 00/00/0000
Would like to leave later on wednesday and maybe get home before monday night2011-03-20 16:23:30 I can foot my part in gas, I'm a roo veteran and pretty much just want to ride down with some cool people.
28779 / Sylva, NC - 00/00/0000
DUI's really suck... Festivals don't... can I get an amen2011-04-11 06:39:01! chill 27 year old here, will def. pay for the gas.
Brooklyn, NY. Park Slope area - 00/00/0000
I am possibly booking pre-fest volunteer. If not that then definitely during fest volunteer. So I need to leave earlier than most rides out. Anyone else leaving early2011-04-13 20:27:31 I can rent a car too...share costs1

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