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Bonnaroo 2023

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Nashville - 06/11/2024
Need a ride on Saturday morning
Manchester, Tennessee - 06/10/2024
I am traveling solo and staying in this hotel on Thursday the 13th before my one day pass to Bonaroo. I need a ride to and from my hotel. Pick up between 11am-12pm on Friday the 14th and drop off on Saturday the 15th around 9-10am.
Monteagle, Tennessee - 06/18/2023
I have $50 for a ride from Monteagel to Manchester for last day of Bonnaroo. Need ride asap

Birmingham, Alabama - 06/17/2023
Very chill down to earth guy. Willing to throw some money in for gas.
Zip: 37214 - 06/16/2023
Flight lands Friday at 4:45. Looking to share ride to box office/will call, then farm.
Zip: 37214 - 06/15/2023
My flight lands in Nashville at 1pm looking for a ride or to split an uber/ cab with someone!
Zip: 37214 - 06/15/2023
i’m landing Friday at 1pm looking for someone to split an uber/ cab!
Nashville, Tennessee - 06/15/2023
Thursday afternoon or evening!
Manchester, Tennessee - 06/15/2023
Need a ride to the airport early saturday morning 6AM
Murfreesboro, Tennessee - 06/15/2023
Veronica, 31, and Lisa, 40 from Los Angeles are looking for a ride from Murfreesboro to Bonnaroo and back Friday-Sunday. Will help pay for gas and rental if need be! (: Dm me on IG: @badveronica
Murfreesboro, Tennessee - 06/15/2023
Two girls need a ride to and from Bonnaroo (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Zip: 37214 - 06/13/2023
Landing in Nashville Friday Afternoon! Looking to split an uber with someone to the farm!!
Wilmington, North Carolina - 06/13/2023
Looking for a ride down (and maybe back) just want to make it before the Friday festivities! I am always down to provide food and split gas! Camping solo but have friends heading in from other side of country.
Manchester, Tennessee - 06/13/2023
Just need a ride home from grounds to Murfreesboro at around 6 am after the fest Saturday (early sun morning)
Nashville - 06/12/2023
Not letting me send messages, so I'm making a post.

Landing at 1:45 on Wednesday and willing to wait a while to split a cab.

Let me know if you're interested.
Nashville - 06/11/2023
Nash to Roo! Thursday morning
Nashville - 06/10/2023
Looking to split a cab on Wednesday with 1-2 people.. I land at 2:30 pm. Let me know if you are interested. I have two bags
Nashville - 06/10/2023

My name is jordan and I’ll have two bags and looking to split a cab with 1-2 people on Wednesday. I land at 2:30 and will wait a for people to join if anyone is interested.
Nashville - 06/09/2023
I have two friends in need of a ride from the Nashville airport on TUESDAY!! Please and thank you
Nashville - 06/09/2023
I have two friends in need of a ride on Tuesday!
Zip: 60622 - 06/09/2023
Hi Ya'll! I'm working Bonnaroo and plan to leave Tuesday night/early Wednesday. I have room for 1-3 (backseat may be cramped though). I'm looking to split gas!

Newport News, Virginia - 06/09/2023
Need someone with a license to drive through Tennessee. My wife and ai can pick you up along the way.
Newport News, Virginia - 06/09/2023
Need someone with a license to drive through Tennessee. My wife and I can pick you up anywhere along the way.
Nashville - 06/09/2023
Looking for a ride to Bonnaroo Thursday the 15th from 11 am onwards and on Sunday evening back to Nashville!
Zip: 37214 - 06/08/2023
Looking for a ride to Bonnaroo Thursday the 15th anytime in the morning & A ride back anytime early on Monday morning!
Manchester, Tennessee - 06/05/2023
Looking to get to the airport on Monday early afternoon or late morning
Zip: 37214 - 06/05/2023
Need ride for two thurs eve around 6 pm from Nashville airport to the farm, willing to return from the farm at any time on Monday morning back to the airport. Willing to cover gas, nice, quirky, kind, and responsible couple!
Knoxville - 06/05/2023
I’m a Bonnaroo Vet of 12 years and some may know me as the unofficial Bonnaroo Oompa Loompa. I have room for one, possibly two if I tetris everything correctly lol. Coming from Knoxville, Tn. Ask that you just chip for some gas. Happy and safe Roo everyone!
Zip: 37214 - 06/04/2023
Hey! I'm working a staff position and need to be at Roo from Monday the 12th until Monday the 19th.

I'm thinking of flying solo into BNA or CHA - looking for a ride(s) to and from Roo.

I can cover/help with gas $ and express much gratitude!
Norfolk, Virginia - 06/04/2023
Going to Roo solo would love some company on the drive!
Nashville - 06/03/2023
Hi, I'm flying into Nashville and will need a ride from the airport to the farm. My flight arrives Wednesday, June 14th at 1:45 pm.
Portland, Maine - 05/31/2023
Headed to Roo solo, planning to leave Late Tuesday/Early Wednesday and travel via OH/KY on the way down and through VA back up Monday. Will be stopping in the Boston area as well. Doing Roo solo currently and open to new friends.
Nashville - 05/29/2023
Hi, I’m traveling with my friend to Roo and we’re looking for a ride to the festival on Wednesday and back to the airport Monday at 4pm. We arrive around noon on Wednesday but were planning to stop at Walmart to grab some things before heading to the festival, is there a pickup spot around there?
Cleveland, Ohio - 05/28/2023

I'm traveling from Cleveland, Ohio for Thursday entry. I'm planning to start around early hours of Thursday so that I can reach by 4 or 5pm.

I'm okay to do offer a ride share as I'm driving by myself in a Sedan. |

Get in touch to through my email to discuss further.
Huntsville, Alabama - 05/23/2023
Hi I need a ride to and from I’ve never been to roo but I would love the opportunity I’m more than happy to help with gas and other expenses
Huntsville, Alabama - 05/23/2023
Hi I need a ride to and from id be more than happy to help with gas and or other expenses never been to roo but I would love the opportunity
Nashville, Tennessee - 05/18/2023
I arrive at Nashville Airport at 7:30am on Thursday. Willing to split an Uber with anyone else arriving on Thursday. I don’t want to leave the airport super late I still want to experience Thursday night at roo.
Zip: 37214 - 05/14/2023
Need a ride Friday morning from the airport. Happy to split an Uber if needed! Will also need a ride back to the airport on Sunday
Tennessee, United States - 05/12/2023
Bartlett, Tennessee - 05/09/2023
first time going to bonnaroo and i need a ride!! will pay whatever i need to:)
Memphis - 05/07/2023
My name is Gavriel, I'm 19 living in Memphis. This is my first festival. I had a friend who was going to pick me up to go to the festival and join the rest of our friends who are coming from Florida but she got a concussion and isn't able to come. This leaves me trapped in Memphis without a ride. I was very excited to go to Bonnaroo, but I don't have any way to get there.

I have a limited amount of funds and cannot afford to ride the bus or fly down.

I have an entry parking pass, but no car to use it with. The parking pass entry date is Wednesday which I am not able to change, I asked the Bonnaroo support team already.

I am looking for a way to get to the festival and a way to get home. I would prefer to arrive on Wednesday, I am happy to give whoever drives me the parking pass for them to use for the festival. Since my friends are only coming on Thursday, I would appreciate the chance to stay Wednesday night with the person who drives me. I am happy to pack as light as possible. Alternatively, I would appreciate a ride on Thursday, which would allow me to camp with my friends Thursday night. I would also need a ride back Sunday night.

If anyone has advice or input please let me know. I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!
North Las Vegas, Nevada - 05/06/2023
I am working the entire festival for Crew-1.

I need a ride from where i live in vegas to the festival amd back. I can pay my way and am traveling w minimal camping equipment. I need to arrive the twnth and saty through the 21st.
North Las Vegas, Nevada - 05/06/2023
I'm working at the event for crew one and need a ride there with my minimal camping equipment. Can pay my way.
Phoenix, AZ - 05/02/2023
Volunteer trying to get there on Tuesday, have gas money and snax!
Zip: 37214 - 04/25/2023
I’m flying in Thursday night, arriving at 9 pm. Looking for a ride to Bonnaroo that night or some people to share an Uber!
Nashville - 04/20/2023
Arriving at the Nashville Airport on Friday, June 16th at 10:00 am! In need of a ride to the Bonnaroo Music Festival!!
Philadelphia - 04/19/2023
Looking for one other person to join me for a trip down to roo! Split gas & for company :)
DC Area - 04/17/2023
I am volunteering at the Farm and have to be there on June 13 (Tuesday). Anyone heading down there early? Gas money and snacks will be traveling with me!
Murfreesboro, Tennessee - 04/10/2023
Looking for rides to and from Bonnaroo Friday June 16th, 17th, 18th, and possibly a ride to Nashville Airport on Monday June 19th.
Zip: 37214 - 04/06/2023
Looking to split a ride with someone to Roo on either Friday night or early Saturday morning :)
Zip: 37214 - 03/29/2023
Will need a ride to Bonnaroo from the Nashville airport. My flight lands Friday June 16 at 12:15pm, so thinking I will need pick up around 12:45 since i will be checking a bag.