Burning Man 2011
Event Info
Zip: 94702 - 08/28/2011
We have several shuttle rides to Burning Man available starting Aug 28th through Sept 2nd. return ride, too. Details & tickets avail on our website (see bottom of webpage if stressing over cost): http://joyoflearningcenter.org/burning-man-shuttle
Zip: 89502 - 08/26/2011
Hello fellow party people! I’m on my way to burning man for the first time in my 23 years!!! I know I’m posting kind of late but I’m going to be arriving in reno on Sunday 12 PM and I was wondering if some kind kindred spirit could spare some space for a ride to the festivities? I have money for gas and such and will bring lots of entertainment and good timez! Please contact me right awayyyyy if you have space! Blessings
My name is Kaliema maya on face book!
Zip: 89502 - 08/26/2011
Hello fellow party people! I’m on my way to burning man for the first time in my 23 years!!! I know I’m posting kind of late but I’m going to be arriving in reno on Sunday 12 PM and I was wondering if some kind kindred spirit could spare some space for a ride to the festivities? I have money for gas and such and will bring lots of entertainment and good timez! Please contact me right awayyyyy if you have space! Blessings
Los Angeles/91423 - 08/24/2011
Hello beautiful burners! My bike and I need a ride to the playa and back. I'll share gas expenses and driving [if it's an automatic car] This is my 1st time to burning man. I'm a vibrant, fun, and responsible young woman. I'll make a good companion!-Alejandra
Zip: 84105 - 08/22/2011
I Have been in black rock city since Aug. 6 but came home for a wedding and looking for a ride back for the burn. Please call 435-231-3423 and ask for Butterfly. Thank you and have a great burn.
Zip: 94110 - 08/21/2011
Hi there! I finally scored a ticket for my 10th burn, now I need a ride with someone that leaves as soon as Tuesday night on August 30th to get back to SF by Monday, Sept 5th. I can arrange to have someone take some of my stuff, so if luggage is an issue, I can arrange for that. Willing to drive, excellent record; pitch in for gas; and even converse! Please, contact me if you think we are a good road match!
Zip: 95461 - 08/20/2011
can get you and your stuff to b-man in my small RV. Hoping to get an early pass and go early or get some help with gas. I'll be heading towards sacramento from harbin hot springs.
vancouver bc - 08/19/2011
room for one mid 20s rad individual in our rv!! leaving next thursday, can drive you down only, we have no room left in our rv or camp but if you already have a camp and dont need a place to stay as well as a ride..;et us help you with the ride part! we need pitch on gas and someone fun, obviously, also gay friendly would be nice :-) good luck and see u on the playa!
Zip: 94103 - 08/18/2011
I'm seeking SF to BRC ride share and yours sounds great: My timing is kind of specific though: I need to leave any time 8/29, and return anytime 9/4. I can easily get the return ride if I act relatively fast, so the most important thing is the ride there on Monday, 8/29 (or as late as possible on 8/28 - can be flexible if need be on timing 8/28). Roundtrip is of course, though, the best.
I'm super easy to get along with, very adaptable and tolerant, can be crazy or mellow or in between, whatever be the vibe. I can drive manual and automatic any vehicle and love driving if you want/need help. Perfect driving record. I have a beach cruiser bike and 2 regular bins of stuff. I can pack lighter if necessary but need to bring bike for sure. I will pitch in for gas and give you brownies and a special belt buckle. My biz is www.bootyboutique.com and many of my creations will be lovingly adorning gorgeous burners on the playa (woot!).
I won't need to make any pit stops on the way up except for water but am fine with whatever pit stops you/other riders need to make. I listen to any music. 5'4, 120lbs, 40yr old designer, my 3rd burn. I'll be camping around the 9/H area with friends but of course can be dropped/picked-up anywhere. I live in SOMA as well.
Apart from belt buckles pretty much 24/7, I'm an avid cyclist and psuedo triathlete.
Lastly, here's TMI just in case: gonna meet my L.A. beau at BRC in the 9/H neighborhood. We met at BM '09 on the last night he was there. Magical night then he promptly leaves the country on a planned find-ones-self journey. He didn't get back stateside until last winter. We hooked up again this January and lo and behold, that one BM night well over a year earlier actually really was the shit! - we picked right back up where we'd left off. He came back to the U.S. and L.A. in order to help his best friend with a start up company and that is now teetering on going bust. We've spent only 4 long weekends together since he's been back, plus very regular phone/text/email contact. This Burningman will be the longest we've ever spent together and we're stupid psyched. It is in the works for him to move to SF if the start-up does bust. So this is all very now and real so just saying this Burningman is really quite special.
Zip: 78704 - 08/18/2011
hi, im 25, male...this is my first time going and would love to hitch a ride, pay for gas, drive too...one way is preferred but let me know where you're goin! thanks!!
Zip: 80487 - 08/17/2011
Leaving Sunday am to arrive in BRC Monday midday. Room for 1-2 passengers and one bike. Must be willing to share driving and split cost of gas.
San Francisco, California - 08/16/2011
Leaving San Francisco on Friday the 26th and heading to Reno. I'd love for someone to rideshare with me. Ability to help drive is more important than ability to help pay. Thanks!
Reno Airport - 08/16/2011
I am looking for a ride to the playa and back from Reno. I will be getting into Reno on Sun Aug. 28th at 12:45 pm and I need a ride to pick up some supplies from stores and then to the playa. It will just be me, my food, and my water :) I will happily pay for any expenses necessary, gas especially! Hit me up soon if you can help me out!! Thanks a bunch and lots of love!! :)
Zip: 90078 - 08/15/2011
Hi! My name is Kela, and I'm K-Love on the Playa! I'm a LOVE BOMB, and I'm SO excited to go back home! Woohoo! I can just SMELL the dust! I'm camping with Disorient and going early to help build the GeoDesic Temple! I plan to leave Los Angeles on Sunday, the 21st, and I need a ride. I don't know how to travel light, so I'll have a 40lb duffle bag that is carrying my yurt, 2-3 bins, a bike, a fan and a small heater, and a mirror. A very LARGE vehicle or an RV would probably be best. I can help pay for gas. Thanks! :-)
Reno Airport - 08/15/2011
Arriving Thurs the 1st noonish and seeking a ride in. Just me and a bag. Will helpout with gas/driving.
Zip: 14559 - 08/13/2011
San Francisco, California - 08/13/2011
Queer metal art jeweler, sculptor, writer, life loving lady looking for a ride to the playa on Aug 28th with a hopeful return Sept 5th, or anytime after the temple burn! <3
Zip: 94611 - 08/12/2011
Oakland 8/31 to BRC and return 8/4 after the burn
Los Angeles - 08/12/2011
Hi !
I'm french and looking for a ride from LA to BM on the 28th for my friend and I... If anyone has got a plan let me know, would be so nice !
Thank you in advance ..!
47th and Judah - 08/11/2011
Virgin burner, 26, has a bike, camping at Nexus
Zip: 94102 - 08/10/2011
I have created a Facebook group for my shuttle service to & from and others are welcome to post rides wanted/offered there too: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BurningManRides/
Zip: 94121 - 08/10/2011
for me only. I can meet you anywhere in SF. Would like to leave 8/28 or morning 8/29 if possible. Don't need a ride back.
Zip: 90034 - 08/08/2011
My alterego has a job to go to, so I would be looking at five days max. An RV with accommodation would be nice. My name is Eight.
Zip: 89502 - 08/05/2011
Second-time burner with Covered with Bees. Need a ride from the airport Tuesday after 3 or so (and a ride back early Sunday morning). Anyone else going mid-week
Las Vegas, NV - 08/05/2011
Picking up our RV in Vegas the morning of the 29th and then stopping for supplies and heading straight to BRC. Leaving after the temple burn on Sunday going back to Vegas. Space for rides or to sleep in the RV too. MEssage me for details.
08045 (Lawnside, New Jersey area) - 08/04/2011
1) Creative, artsy, fun-loving! 2) First-time burner! 3) I'd love to share a ride! 4) I'd also love to stop for supplies along the way if this is your plan. 4) I look forward to chatting with you!!
v5l 4z7 - 08/03/2011
I'm a girl, with not a lot of gear. A beginner driver, but not well enough to deal with freeway traffic. Could probably help through some of oregon and nevada, though.
Zip: 89502 - 08/01/2011
Hey, cycle mechanic here looking for a ride out to b-man. Just me and a bag, also hoping to stop for some groceries on the way out. Def willing to help with gas and sing-a-longs! Thanks!
Albuqueruqe, NM - 07/31/2011
Zip: 02465 - 07/31/2011
Looking for a single additional energetic rider to share driving and expenses. Have comfy conversion van. Leaving the Boston area Wed Aug 24. Probably leaving BRC Sat Sept 3.
Zip: 33138 - 07/31/2011
HEy, this will be my second burn this year, i need a ride from either miami or Ft,lauderdale.to BRC. PLease contact me if your headed in that direction :)I promise i will be a wonderful edition to the road trip... <3
rno - 07/30/2011
We are two first time burners looking for a ride to the playa. We can help with driving and gas
94114/sanchez at market st - 07/29/2011
need to leave friday or early sat27 back 5 or 6th plz
Zip: 94102 - 07/29/2011
leaving 8/19 returning 9/6 or 7
Zip: 94103 - 07/29/2011
Need a ride for 2 people to BRC!
Los Angeles - 07/28/2011
We have space in our RV for one as full accomodation and 2 as a rideshare. Email me for details and costs - you would be camping with Transmorphagon, 3pm and Esplanade
Thx Claire
Zip: 92252 - 07/28/2011
I am volunteering for my 1st burn and need a ride to Gerlach, NV by the 8th. of Aug.
Zip: 97222 - 07/27/2011
Need a ride there and back! Will pitch in $ for gas.
81632/ Edwards, Colorado/ Denver - 07/26/2011
Departing from the mountains on Sunday. Have space for one.
Zip: 27858 - 07/25/2011
split gas & fun times
Nevada,BRC - 07/10/2011
Need a ride from Nevada,Burning Man Festival, up to Calgary/Canmore on the 7th Sep !
Reno, Nevada - 07/09/2011
Arriving in Reno on 8/27, looking to catch a return flight on 9/5. Happy to help out where I can... don't have much stuff, just looking to get where I'm going and if necessary can find my way back.
Zip: 98221 - 07/07/2011
Need Ride to BRC from Seattle area .. I could goto Portland area. I am 39/male/Anacortes (ATM .. could change to Seattle area, pending Job interview!) I missed out last year, I had tix .. but had to sell cause I could not afford to get to BRC or sustain myself there.
T0L0Z0 - 06/30/2011
We are a 26 yr old cpl, this will be our 6th Burningman, we have a converted bus and we're looking for up to 4 additional people from the southern alberta/Calgary or Lethbridge area. We just want to split gas. Camp with us, or not, whatever. Bonus points if you can drive stick.
94114 San Francisco - 06/29/2011
5th year burner girl needs ride to Burning Man. (will share costs) please,please, please
Brooklyn and NYC area - 06/26/2011
Female seeking ride to BurningMan-can pay for travel costs, preferably traveling with group or artists from NYC to NV-I can also take over driving duties and have allot of experience with long distance travel-seeking laid back, easy going group of fun people headed to Burning Man-please email-THANKS!!
Vancouver - 06/24/2011
Myself and my friend will be in Vancouver from the 10th of August onward and are looking for a ride down and into burning man!Ideally with a stop to pick up some supplies on the way. We are HAPPY to pitch on gas and are very friendly people. This will be our rite of passage for many reasons, in part because this is our first time going, and we are stoked. contacting me by email is best!
Zip: 31078 - 06/21/2011
Hello. My name is David Brown. I really need a ride to BM. I've never been and I would really love to go. I had a ride but she bailed on me. I live near Macon, GA, but I can meet you anywhere in GA or the neighboring states. I don't have very much stuff and I can totally help with the gas. You can check me out on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/FreePhoenix82) and send me a message or email me (FreePhoenix82@aol.com) if you have any question or want to know more about me. You can also text or call me anytime day or night. Thank you so much for your time.
Peace & Love,
Zip: 35125 - 06/21/2011
Looking for a fourth person to ride with us and share costs. Coming from Alabama and will be hauling a u-haul. Seven passenger vehicle so you won't be too crowded.
amsterdam - 06/21/2011
I have a submarine with helicopter for the last stretch
Zip: 84101 - 06/20/2011
At this time (June 20) my driving buddy has bitched out on me and there is a very good chance I'll be driving alone. Looking for someone to split the gas prices with. You MUST be self reliant and have your shit together! I will not baby sit you! :) If your self reliant and want someone to ride with send me and email and we can kick it sometime and see whats up.
New York, United States - 06/19/2011
Planning Brooklyn/NYC to BurningMan ride-appreciate ride shares or ideas on budgeted travel! :P
reno international airport - 06/18/2011
We are 2 virgin burners "Rune and Rohm" of burningmania.com. We would love to ride along to the playa and help with gas.
Zip: 29412 - 06/18/2011
We are 2 virgin burners "Rune and Rohm" of burningmania.com. We're flying to Reno, but wonder if some of our gear could ride along with someone. It will be minimal. "He who travels light travels happy." :)
Zip: 02148 - 06/18/2011
San Francisco, California - 06/18/2011
90405/Santa Monica - 05/26/2011
looking for one way ride up on Wednesday. Will pay for gas (obviously) and food! Good conversation is free!
Zip: 64655 - 05/26/2011
Have a big white van with lots of goodies for little sailors wanting to go to the festivities at burning man.
Zip: 55436 - 04/23/2011
I would like a ride but can drive as well. I have a 4 door sedan.
Zip: 98103 - 04/22/2011
would like a ride, one way, leaving Seattle Wednesday morning, August 31.
Zip: 94964 - 04/22/2011
I am about 10 miles North of SF, I have at least two seats and room for luggage and such. To all those interested I am would need a bit for gas money and may pick up hitch hikers.
Zip: 78702 - 04/21/2011
THis is my first time going to burning man and I would love to ride share there from Austin. 25, F
Zip: 80901 - 04/14/2011
this is will by my 5th year and will setup and tear down your camp for a ride
Zip: 94619 - 04/05/2011
Plan to be at the event all week.
Zip: 80026 - 04/03/2011
We are taking a small group this year and may have room for another rider.
Toronto Ontario - 04/03/2011
2 young females needing a drive to BM. Will split on gas. :)
Benghazi, Libya - 04/02/2011
Tried to drive myself last year, but almost drowned.
89512/reno NV - 04/02/2011
i am offering a ride. i may have early pass. let me know so we can work out the details. thanks
San Rafael CA - 04/01/2011
Need a ride to the rangers training in NV July 2nd
Reno, Nevada - 04/01/2011
Need a ride on the 18th or 19th to the Playa from Reno-doinng volunteer setup. Will share petrol.
Zip: 92107 - 04/01/2011
Uhaul Van with 2 people in it now. Room for 1-2 more who dont mind the van
Reno Airport - 03/31/2011
Landing at 9 am. NO bags (friends driving stuff up). Will help with gas money / driving. Thanks!!
32405/Panama City fl. - 03/31/2011
Need items hauled to Black Rock City.willing to help with gas.
91932/San Diego - 03/31/2011
I've got a truck that can fit one person very comfortably or two people kind of tight. I want to split gas equally between the two or three of us.
90670/Santa Fe Springs, CA - 03/31/2011
Need ride. Willing to join camp, etc. Mature Female, Santa Fe Springs, CA. Between LA & OC
Zip: 78218 - 03/31/2011
Zip: 93013 - 03/31/2011
F350 crewcab with plenty of cargo space / towing capacity. 1 or 2 seats. Driving up early for setup, returning Monday AM after temple burn.
Eugene, Oregon - 03/31/2011
I'm easy going, meeting up with a group on arrival, would like to stay for the whole thing. No hard drugs, I would prefer riding with at least one other female, I can help substantially with gas $.
Zip: 63074 - 03/31/2011
im a 21y/o first time burner looking to make some friends and participate in a theme camp/art project :)

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