Burning Man 2013
Event Info
Reno Airport - 08/25/2013
I'm a Virgin Burner from Bellingham, arriving late, Thursday 6.30pm at the airport, looking for a ride to the playa. I'm happy to drive, pay for gas, provide chocolate, laughter, noteworthy stories, and my intention is to make your journey better because I'm with you:-)
Boise, ID - 08/25/2013
i really need a ride to burning man from Boise i can buy all the gas. all i have is a backpack plz email me chollin7@gmail.com
Reno - 08/22/2013
Hi my name is Heatherwoods! I am a 23 yr old student flying in to Reno from Boulder on Tuesday morning and looking for a ride to the playa!! This is my first burning man and im super excited to start it off getting to know some new beautiful humans:) I will definitely contribute in gas, hugs, delicious snacks, an open mind, a listening ear, and anything that sparkles. Please help this little painted pony get to Black Rock!!
Zip: 94103 - 08/21/2013
Reno Airport - 08/18/2013
Hi, I'm Michael... I'm in Hong Kong this week, finishing up a 4 month Asia leg of a music World Tour, then catching 3 planes next monday to NYC, then Reno Airport and hopefully able to meet some good folks for a lift to my 1st BRC Burn experience, where I'm really psyched to be performing and taking it ALL in !!
Of course, I would love to contribute in all ways to the rideshare... I arrive in Reno at 11:30pm on monday night the 26th... please get in touch!!
l1e2y7 - 08/11/2013
I'm an open-minded easy going guy looking for a ride to the burn. I can pitch-in money, share with driving or whatever. I can leave whenever but would like to come back on the 3rd or 4th.
90016/Mid city - 08/10/2013
Hello! Im a second yr burner looking for a ride to the playa, preferably on Mon or Tues. I am eager and willing to help with gas money and driving. Seeking rideshare for 2 if possible. We have 2 bikes, some camping gear, and a cooler. We are extremely easy going, open minded and respectful
Zip: 98125 - 08/07/2013
Hi! My name is Bo, I'm a 22 year old student and I'm looking for a ride from Seattle or Seattle area to Burning Man and back. This will be my first time to The Burn and I am really excited but have no means of transportation. I'm a great addition to road trips because I bring a good spirit, conversation, lots of sparkles and can provide gas money and a good music selection! I can also help pitch in on other stuff that is needed. I am flexible with leaving and return dates. Please let me know if you can be of help! Love and light
Zip: 40203 - 08/04/2013
I am flexible with dates. I need a spot for me and my service dog.
Santa Barbara, CA - 08/02/2013
Looking for a ride there and back. Room for a bike rack would be ideal. I'll be traveling pretty light. I would love to help pay for gas and any other expenses. I'm hoping to get there on the 26th and I need to be back on Sept.2nd.
Much love
Zip: 94501 - 08/02/2013
I need a ride leaving the afternoon of 8/29, returning 9/2.
Zip: 21214 - 07/31/2013
I'm looking for a rider (one already and myself) to Burning Man and back. Here is the jist..
I'm looking for a rider to share the drive and split the gas to go to Burning Man and back. I'm driving a 3/4 ton GMC Sierra extended cab and towing a 5x10 trailer. My wife usually drives with me but this year she is flying out because of time and work. It costs around $500 for gas each person there and back and that's a high average for diesel (the truck is a diesel). We switch drivers every few hours and most of the driving is straight highway across the country and really easy. There is plenty of room and whoever is in the back seat can stretch out and actually sleep because it's a bench seat; I've slept in the back seat on long drives and it's much more comfortable than a car because you can stretch out and actually sleep flat. The truck has a full 8' bed and with the trailer you can bring all your gear with out trying to fly it out or ship it. I've done the trip flying and driving and much prefer driving with the additional perk of seeing the country. I'm planning on leaving on Thursday August 22 in the morning. The drive straight out takes about 41 hours but we are stopping outside of Salt Lake City, UT at friends for a pre-playa shower and hot meal. My plan is to be in Fernley, NV before heading to the playa on Sunday morning. If you're interested and have a ticket email me and we can discuss it. If you have a bike and a cooler we have room to take it which you really can't take in a car.
A little about me. I'm a veteran burner and done the drive each year I've been. I'm 34, self employed, musician, martial artist, entertainment tech guy (audio, video, lighting, rigging, etc). I live in Baltimore and work a lot in the region (DMV).
Zip: 94705 - 07/16/2013
Hi, My name is Littlebit. I live in Berkeley. I would like to go early to burning man- by 8/21 and return either Sun or Tuesday.
Will chip in for gas/travel expenses and driving.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 07/03/2013
My name is Moira - I am driving from Las Vegas to Burning Man, possibly over two days to arrive on the 26th September. Looking for people to share the ride/gas money
Zip: 65802 - 07/01/2013
I am looking for someone passing through the MO area to catch a ride with to and from the event. I can meet you on your route if I am out of the way.
Zip: 10030 - 06/12/2013
My names Maria. I live in New Orleans and am looking for a ride to and from burning man. Will chip in for gas/travel expenses!
Las Vegas, Nevada - 05/30/2013
Hey im looking for a ride from las vegas or in the area to BM and back to a transport hub (need to get to New York in early September) happy to chip in gas money!
Zip: 98520 - 04/05/2013
2 first time goers over the age of 21. we have anything needed to pitch in also we have gas money. we are looking for a ride there possibly back.
67801 Dodge City, KS - 02/16/2013
Im a first time burner going to Burning man this year and im look for a ride there and back. I can pitch in for gas, food, drink and other things if needed.

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