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California Roots Festival 2017

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San Jose, California - 05/26/2017
Hi! Looking for a ride on Saturday to/from Cali Roots Festival. Myself and one other. Thank you!!
San Francisco, California - 05/25/2017
Leaving SF Friday at noon to head to cali roots. I'll be driving back after the festival Friday night too. If anyone needs a ride let me know! No need to help with gas but parking would be nice.
Atwater, California - 05/22/2017
I'm attending Caliroots solo this year. Seems like such a terrible waste to drive out from Merced, CA to the event when I could carry more just fine.... anyway, if you are between Merced, CA and Monterrey and need a lift, let me know. Leaving Friday AM - returning Sunday Night. No creeps or mooches. :)
California, United States - 05/21/2017
I'm a Hispanic male with a Fri. ticket only. Let me know if you want some company and don't mind me coming along for the ride. Sounds like fun.
Zip: 90034 - 05/17/2017
Just a guy looking to share the ride with some cool people and get ready for a weekend full of nothing but good vibes
San Diego, California - 05/10/2017
California roots in montery ca. Got chedder . Good vibes and good times
Buena Park, California - 04/24/2017
Driving up to Cali Roots from Thurs-Mon.

I'm driving up alone so i wouldn't mind the company. Let's have a good time.
Paradise, California - 04/24/2017
Hey world! I need a ride to CaliRoots Reggae fest! I'm super chill, and will pitch for gas and good vibes. I need to be there on May 26th.
Chico, California - 04/19/2017
My roomie and I will be leaving Thursday morning from Chico, gonna catch some beach time on the way to Volunteer Orientaton. Any volunteers or anyone who wants to be in the area a day early is welcome to come along.
Watsonville, California - 04/19/2017
Me and my wife are planning to use a uber to this event. We are planning on enjoying a beer or so. We do not want to drive due to this reason. If there are a sober driver that has room for 2 we are willing to pay for gas.
Simi Valley, California - 04/18/2017
Costa Mesa, California - 04/18/2017
my boyfriend and i are going for 3 days. thursday late night coming back monday morning. his car is a camero.
Sacramento, CA - 04/18/2017
If anyone is coming through Sacramento to go to Cali roots, i got you. I have a 2012 altima that can seat 4 comfortably or 5 snuggly.
Simi Valley, California - 04/17/2017
four door dodge Dakota truck
San Diego, California - 03/22/2017
2013 subaru crosstrek 3 seats available, cargo pack on top. Will be leaving Thursday in the afternoon, and coming back Monday. We're 2 ladies in our 20's. Asking for gas and snack donations! 420!
Zip: 91910 - 11/15/2016
Just me and the hubby 3 more fit in car.

From San Diego area.