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Coachella 2011

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Looking for Coachella 2025?

Palm Springs Airport - 08/24/2011
Looking for a bus link that will take us from Palm Springs Airport to Coachella and back (thurs afternoon 12th April and early mon 15th April) May be up to 10 of us, so if anyone can recommend a mini bus company we can hire? Or if there ends up just being 6 of us, a couple of cars with spare seats? Travelling from UK so clueless about local US transport so please help!! x
Zip: 86301 - 04/07/2011
Looking for a ride to coachella and willing to pitch in for gas, I can also make it down to Phoenix easily and would love to leave around Thursday afternoon
Zip: 92563 - 04/07/2011
My two friends and I looking for a fourth person so that we may enter in the carpoolchella!! were college students in our twenties real down to earth. thanks!
85034 / Phoenix - 04/07/2011
My girlfriend and I are flying into Phoenix on Wednesday night. We had a ride leaving that night but they just had an emergency. We also don't have a camping spot cause I sold mine tuesday cause I thought we had a spot to stay in!
Los Angeles, California - 04/07/2011
I am arriving at LAX at about 10 am on Thursday the 14th. I need a ride to Coachella where i would be meeting my friends later in the day. They are all carpooling from Houston so they wouldn't be there till later. I wouldn't mind spending the day in LA or just go straight to Coachella. I'm 25 yrs old, female and am from Houston, TX. any other info just message me. I have a FB so message me so you can add me. Thanks.
Los Angeles, California - 04/07/2011
Landing at LAX 2.30pm.Have a rental car & going directly to Palm Springs/Indio. Can fit 2 ppl + some luggage. Must split some cost for ride! Thanks
Zip: 90024 - 04/06/2011
Two charming UCLA hitchhikers are in search of a ride for making our musical pilgrimage. Help a sistah out!
Zip: 94306 - 04/06/2011
would love a ride thursday afternoon after work... let me know! thnx!
Indio, CA 92201-9702 - 04/06/2011
I just need a ride on Monday morning to Ontario Airport. My flight is at 8am. Will pitch on gas!
Zip: 92651 - 04/06/2011
21 year old female looking for a ride to Coachella on thursday. i work at coachella should definitely give me a ride there : ) will pitch in for gas. super mellow, easy going aka NOT annoying
Los Angeles, California - 04/06/2011
Flying into LAX on Thursday at 2:45 and leaving Monday at 11am. Would love a ride and place to camp for the friends that were going bailed :(
Zip: 90274 - 04/06/2011
I'm meeting all my friends at the Coachella campgrounds but am the only one coming from LA, so it would be great if I could get a ride out there with someone. I work til 5 Thursday, but will be ready to leave anytime after that. Will chip in for gas, obviously, and promise to be at least somewhat entertaining. I consider myself to be pretty normal. You can check out my facebook: . Thanks!! (Also, I might also need a ride back on Monday if we get along well enough en route out there. Just something to keep in mind.)
Las Vegas, Nevada - 04/06/2011
We are a group of 3 English/Australians, late 20's will share petrol, stories, map reading, sandwiches, music and some laughs along the way xx
Zip: 90650 - 04/06/2011
im driving solo since my friends backed out. i need a place to crash. Im willing to put in on a room and bring whoever with me if i can find a place to crash :)
Zip: 95521 - 04/05/2011
20 F looking for a ride, not a drama mama, glad to pitch in on gas!
Zip: 90007 - 04/05/2011
2 people need a ride ot coachella. either thursday night or friday morning
Zip: 92780 - 04/05/2011
me and my girl are looking for a ride friday afternoon. cant get off of work til then down to pay for gas. just need a ride there
Coachella, California - 04/05/2011
2 people need a ride back from Coachella to LA Monday morning, happy to chip in.
San Diego, California - 04/05/2011
looking for a ride to festival friday morning, will pay for my share of gas. not a creeper, hope you aren't either!
Zip: 85201 - 04/05/2011
I have 2 spots left in my car!
Zip: 90036 - 04/05/2011
one male
Zip: 94158 - 04/05/2011
Looking for 1 or 2 people that are leaving from San Francisco. Right now its just me and my friend (both guys).
tijuana airport - 04/05/2011
Need a ride for 2 people. Arriving Friday Morning to the airport. We can pay our share.
Zip: 93546 - 04/04/2011
We are two 22 year old New Zealand girls living in Mammoth Lakes trying to find a ride to Coachella
Zip: 85201 - 04/04/2011
leaving thursday evening, have room for 1 or 2 others and can even stay with us on our campsite. gas money is a bitch so looking for someone who can pitch in.
LAX airport - 04/03/2011
Hey! Two need ride from LAX to a wonderful weekend at Coachella. We arrive at 8:30 Thursday night. No luggage and have a place to stay. Just need a ride with some new friends. We will pitch in for gas.
Los Angeles, California - 04/03/2011
Flying in from London, UK to LAX, landing at 17.23, need a ride to Indio! Potentially may have another girlfriend who'll need a ride too.
Zip: 90069 - 04/02/2011
Hi, I'm a 23/f from detroit, currently living in Boston, who is driving out to Coachella and I have up to three spots in my car. Looking for someone with a car or tent camping spot that they'd like to share in exchange! I'm leaving early Friday morning and returning anytime Monday. Also feverishly scouring the internet for a non-ridiculously priced ticket, so if you have one or two and feel like helping me out, that would be awesome!
Chico CA - 04/02/2011
NEED A RIDE DOWN ON THE 13th! WILL COMPENSATE! My name is Bailey. I am a 20yr male in Chico. just trying to have a crazy weekend and it starts with getting to coachella!
Zip: 86001 - 04/02/2011
need ride want to give you gas
Zip: 90046 - 04/02/2011
Need a ride after work on Friday (7:30PM)!
Zip: 85718 - 04/02/2011
one person looking for someone to drive with and split gas money to Coachella. Driving from Tucson through Phoenix and can stop anywhere along the way
Zip: 94536 - 04/02/2011
Can meet you anywhere in the Bay Area and beyond for a ride. I'm an easy going, responsible guy looking to get a ride to and from Coachella. Will split gas. I'm meeting up with friends down there.
Los Angeles, California - 04/02/2011
Arriving LAX Friday morning around 9am - looking for a ride to Coachella. Thanks!!
Zip: 86024 - 04/01/2011
Split gas costs with us.
Zip: 87008 - 04/01/2011
Split gas costs with us.
Zip: 81008 - 04/01/2011
Split gas costs with us.
Zip: 89128 - 04/01/2011
30-something female leaving for Coachella Friday morning, returning Monday, room for 1 or 2 riders
palm springs - 04/01/2011
4 english girls needing a lift on thursday from palm springs airport to coachella...willing to split into to groups of 2 and of course will pay gas gas! thankyou
Zip: 94118 - 03/31/2011
Two irish guys offering a ride from san francisco to coachella and back
Zip: 94118 - 03/31/2011
Two irish guys offering a ride from san francisco to coachella and back
Zip: 90404 - 03/31/2011
Friends are going early to find a camping spot, I need a ride after work on Thursday (leave after 5pm) or on Friday morning whatever you prefer.
97027/Portland, OR - 03/31/2011
Carpool has room for 1 person with small amount of gear - share 4 ways on fuel for trip down and back if you need it!
Los Angeles Airport - 03/31/2011
2 female passengers arrive at 10:30PM @ LAX Thursday April 14, 2011 in need of ride to COACHELLA $$
Zip: 84601 - 03/31/2011
need a ride there and back i have a car camping pass u could use
Zip: 90065 - 03/31/2011
Pretty chill, a bit Eccentric. I'll let you know now If you're not nice, you're not getting a ride, so be chill. Offering rides from around LA/Pasadena, on the way may be possible, so lets talk I can accomodate 2 people, i've already got 4 riders (3+me) with me
San Francisco, California - 03/30/2011
Hi! I'm Fernanda, I'm 24! Me and one friend (Luis) from SF are leaving on thursday morning (at around 10). We do have a camping spot and we are looking for two more to share the costs! send me an email! =)
90008 - 03/30/2011
leaving Thursday afternoon. have two spots
Santa Cruz - 03/30/2011
Junior at UCSC can leave whenever and come back whenever. And i got $,trees, and some good old beer on it
Zip: 85281 - 03/30/2011
leaving from tempe area, 21/f and 18/f riding out to coachella!!!!!!
V6B0E2 - 03/30/2011
Need or Offer a ride from Vancouver to Coachella
V6B0E2 - 03/30/2011
Need or Offer a ride from Vancouver to Coachella
Los Angeles, California - 03/30/2011
I'm flying in solo from Sydney early morning Thursday 14th April, am looking to get transported to the dessert any time that day. Thanks heaps!
Zip: 85281 - 03/29/2011
May have extra seats, but more looking to caravan with people out there so we can combine camping sites. We are planning on leaving around 1030-11 on thursday morning.
Zip: 85281 - 03/29/2011
May have extra seats, but more looking to caravan with people out there so we can combine camping sites. We are planning on leaving around 1030-11 on thursday morning.
91911/Chula Vista - 03/29/2011
male...driving solo,on Thursday lots of space available...Coachella vet...none of my friends got tickets..
Zip: 93111 - 03/29/2011
Leaving for Coachella either late thursday night or friday morning. Will return monday morning. I currently have 2 spots available for any like-minded Santa Barbarians. I will be camping but can drop you elsewhere if close by. Peace.
Zip: 90007 - 03/29/2011
going friday morning, probably have 2 spots
Indio - 03/29/2011
My friend and I need a ride to LAX on Sunday night because our flight leaves from LA Monday morning. Poor planning but hopefully somebody can help us out! We are willing to pay for all the gas to get to LA.
Zip: 92663 - 03/29/2011
We've got room for up to 4 people (babes only!) in our massive RV. We've got a space reserved in a local surf brands rented mansion that's 10 mins. from the venue. There's 4 of us and the RV sleeps 8 comfortably. No charge to stay maybe just pitch in a little for gas/booze...just be fun and ready to rage. Good times to be had by all!
Sendai, Japan - 03/29/2011
Need a ride quickly out of Sendai. Things are getting mad nuts here.
PSP - 03/28/2011
need a ride friday night to indian wells hotel
LAX, Los Angeles, California - 03/28/2011
Hey all, I am looking for a ride from LAX to Indio. I arrive at 9:45 and am looking for a ride either that night or early Friday morning. I am more than willing to compensate you for helping get to Coachella, so send me an email or find me on facebook. Thanks a lot, emilio
Las Vegas, Nevada - 03/28/2011
Hey! My friend bailed on me today :( I need a ride from Vegas. Ideally leaving Thursday and arriving back Monday. 26 year old female. Friendly and normal, will bring car snacks and of course gas money! :)
Los Angeles, California - 03/28/2011
Party of 3 with space for one or 2 more. Car camping pass ought already and willing to share space. :]
Zip: 90304 - 03/28/2011
Party of 3 with space for 1 or two more >.<
92835/Fullerton - 03/28/2011
i need a ride to and from the desert i have a hotel room but no ride willing to share for a ride and some money for the hotel room
vallejo/ vacaville - 03/28/2011
I am heading to to southern california on tues 4/12. Actually have to be in LA on tues. I am willing to offer a ride to LA, then a return ride from coachella. You must have your own sleeping accomodations. Already have mine set up. I will be leaving to head back to the bay area on monday 4/18 from coachella
San Diego, California - 03/28/2011
There are 2 of us girls from Pacific Beach. We'll split on gas and we don't have lots of bags! Thanks in advance!
Reno, Nevada - 03/28/2011
22 and 20 year-old couple traveling to their third Coachella from Reno. Room for 1 to 2. Send me an e-mail if interested.
Zip: 91343 - 03/27/2011
looking for a group of 2-3 ppl that need a ride and need a place to camp. will leave on thurs, come back mon. email me for more details
LA - 03/27/2011
Me and a friend need a ride Thurs night/Friday morning to Indio.
Zip: 94596 - 03/27/2011
to and from bay area thurs to cannot car camp no space. just a ride. only room for 1
Zip: 97214 - 03/26/2011
Have a car camping pass and room in the car for 2-3 more :)
Zip: 90266 - 03/26/2011
looking for a ride Friday @6pm.
Zip: 90005 - 03/26/2011
Hi, Im looking for a ride that's leaving Friday April 15th around noon. Willing to pitch in whatever is needed for gas.
Palm Springs Airport - 03/26/2011
I need a ride from the palm springs airport to coachella! Willing to pay!
Zip: 85306 - 03/26/2011
1 person looking for a ride to/from Coachella, preferably Thursday afternoon and back late Sunday night/early Monday morning (after Yeezy's set) but I am flexible. Will help out with gas $ and beverages in exchange for a ride. :)
Costa Mesa, California - 03/26/2011
I am offering a ride from Orange County. I can pick you and or 3/4 friends up from LA or the Inland empire. I need a place to stay because my friend just dropped a bomb on me and said he wont be able to go and already sold his camping pass. I can also drop you guys off to wherever you guys need to be dropped off. The only thing i ask for is gas collaborations. Hit me up at my email: and ask for my FB if you have any more questions. Best regards, Jeff
Los Angeles, California - 03/25/2011
I need a ride. I get into LAX on the 13th. I will give MOOLA THANKS
90265/Malibu - 03/25/2011
Only have room for 2 more.:)
Los Angeles, California - 03/25/2011
Party of 3 needs a ride to Coachella on the 14th. We arrive at LAX at 9pm. Willing to contribute for gas or let you stay on our tent at Lake Eldorado camp site! (only 1 extra spot available)
Zip: 94089 - 03/25/2011
Leaving Thursday early in the morning.
Las Vegas, NV - 03/25/2011
will give gas money
Zip: 90027 - 03/25/2011
2 rad people 23 and 25 driving from Los Feliz Thursday afternoon to coachella. Coming back Monday Morning.
Indio, California - 03/25/2011
5 people @ Indian Wells RV resort. Would appreciate a ride to and possibly from the grounds :)
Zip: 76132 - 03/25/2011
I need a ride.. will pitch in on gas. I have done this before. 23 year old male btw.
Ontario Airport - 03/24/2011
my name is lindsey and i am going to the festival with one of my best friends, vlad. we're from dc..recent college grads who would prefer not to rent a car/would love to meet some other cool/chill people who are going to the festival. we're camping if you would like to help! thanks in advance
Zip: 90036 - 03/24/2011
I'm a 22yo female from hawaii looking for a way to get to coachella willing to spilt fuel and camping fees
Zip: 85034 - 03/24/2011
Two guys driving Thursday night (leaving 10pm) from PHX to Indio. We may stop in Blythe about halfway and crash at a cheap motel for the night then finish in the AM. Driving back late Sunday night. Open to giving rides, etc.
Fresno, 93710 - 03/24/2011
My Fiance' and I are looking for a ride to Coachella. We are both Fresno State Students Willing to help with gas, etc.
Zip: 93710 - 03/24/2011
My Fiance' and I are looking for a ride to Coachella. We are both Fresno State Students Willing to help with gas, etc.
Los Angeles, California - 03/24/2011
I am an Aussie looking for a ride and possibly space in a camping spot to crash. Willing to split costs for travel and pay for my spot on camp pass.
Zip: 94112 - 03/23/2011
2 mid 20s male and female have a car camping pass and need a ride down to the festival
Zip: 93111 - 03/23/2011
Fellow music lover needing a ride from SB. Can't wait for Coachella, just in need of a ride. Facebook message me! Super chill girl, recently moved to Tennessee but was born & raised in CA. Coming back to visit & go on my yearly epic Coachella visit!
LAX/90045 - 03/23/2011
Flying into LAX or Ontario probably around 7:30ish on Thursday. Anyone that can hook me up with a lift that evening to the campgrounds Would be much appreciated and will throw down for gas and/or trade for party favors...
Los Angeles - 03/23/2011
My friend and I will be flying into LA on the 13th and were hoping to get a ride to Coachella early Thursday morning
Palm Springs International Airport - 03/23/2011
I fly into palm springs at 1230AM on thursday night and my friends all will be at the campsite already. any chance of getting a ride into the campgrounds
92008/ Carlsbad ca - 03/22/2011
I'm leaving from Carlsbad on wed night or thurs morning and can take two people to the palm springs area.
antarctica - 03/22/2011
Palm Springs International Airport - 03/22/2011
Two guys need a ride to Lake Cahuilla campsite on Thursday morning, will pay for gas. Thanks!
Zip: 90028 - 03/22/2011
2 seats available to go to coachella!
San Francisco, California - 03/22/2011
I'll be renting a car from SFO and driving down Thu 4/14, returning Mon 4/18. Can meet up within reasonable distance of the area, but preferable if we could meet on BART and all go to the airport together. Let me know ! Max
Zip: 90026 - 03/22/2011
I have room for two people in my car, each person email me if interested
Zip: 94117 - 03/22/2011
Hi, I'm Gabe, and my friend Mo and I need a ride out to Coachella from anywhere in the Bay Area.
Zip: 92806 - 03/22/2011
departing some point Thursday evening (group caravan still hasn't set down time). Three spots open, will drive to santa ana or fullerton train stations if you're coming into town.
Los Angeles, California - 03/22/2011
Hey! 21 year old male looking for ride to coachella. Arrive to LAX at 5:30pm on the 14th. Can help pay for gas, food, etc!
Palm Springs Airport - 03/22/2011
3 of us need a ride from the Airport to the campsite at around 2pm on the Thursday. Thanks!
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada - 03/21/2011
29 male loves music
Zip: 85282 - 03/21/2011
Out of Tempe. Leaving Wed. Night around 10'sh
Zip: 92110 - 03/21/2011
I just need a ride home, im a 23 year old male 6 year coachella vet ! ! !
Zip: 85283 - 03/21/2011
2 guys (1 aussie, 1 new yorker) coming via tempe with a camping pass looking for a ride or 2 or 3 people to split a rental car!
Zip: 94010 - 03/21/2011
Zip: 97015 - 03/21/2011
Driving down Wed. All night long. Haven't found a car camping pass yet. :(
Zip: 89509 - 03/21/2011
Have room for 2 more companions! Leaving the 14th. Asking for gas money and good company:)
Los Angeles, California - 03/21/2011
going to coachella! 2 seats available
Flagstaff, Arizona - 03/21/2011
NAU student, male, 21, will split gas. Can also offer booze in exchange for a space in your on-site camp spot.
sacramento - 03/21/2011
I need a ride bad!! My car is fucked!! 23yo white male, will supply gas, money, and or car camping.
Zip: 92374 - 03/20/2011
2 people need ride from University of Redlands! Offering cash/booze.
Zip: 95127 - 03/20/2011
Hey my name is Jeremy Montano. I'm from San Jose and I need a ride!!! I'll have ends on gas.
Zip: 95746 - 03/20/2011
Willing to pickup on the 13th and drive to Coachella, free one night stay in a hilton hotel, but most have a car camping spot to share, 2 20 year olds Males, looking to have the time of our life and meet some people on the way! Coming back on Monday.
Zip: 85719 - 03/20/2011
Got an empty SUV and a camping pass, 18/m, hit me up!
Zip: 85281 - 03/19/2011
Two open spaces to ride with two guys, there and/or back. We're leaving Tempe 4AM on Thursday, returning between 6 and 10 PM on Monday.
Sunset/Vermont - 03/19/2011
Two Brits travelling light need lift on friday morning to Desert Springs area on way to coachella. Also lift back from same place Monday morning. Staying in Hotel so we won't have loads of equipment with us. Thanks.
Los Angeles, California - 03/19/2011
Arriving Lax on thur April 14th...leaving at around 3pm to the festival
94132 / San Francisco - 03/19/2011
Zip: 95132 - 03/19/2011
looking for 2 people to share gas to coachella.
Zip: 85255 - 03/19/2011
Going with two friends, potentially have room for one more but also looking to caravan with people from Tempe who also have car camping sites so that we can have a huge site. We are planning to leave around 9-11am on thursday morning and will return monday morning or late sunday night still not sure of that.
Zip: 80907 - 03/19/2011
Just require take car of gas
Minneapolis, Minnesota - 03/19/2011
cool dude offering a ride, we'll be borrowing my mom's prius, so gas will be cheap. i can pick up on the way.
Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County - 03/19/2011 I can seat (3) comfortably. insured, A/C, airbags, sunroof, pwr windows. MUST be gay or gay-friendly--NO room for HOMOPHOBES. round-trip per person.
Indio, California - 03/19/2011
Offering local rides during the Coachella and StageCoach Festivals. Email for details/arrangements.
palm desert - 03/19/2011
An Aussie girl needs a lift back to LA monday! Don't make me have to take the Grehound....please!! Im fun, Ill probably be hungover and Ill put in for gas- Ill even buy the driver lunch!!
Los Angeles, California - 03/19/2011
Hello, i am an australian man travelling alone to the festival (meeting friends at the site) who needs a ride (one-way) from LAX to the festival. I am flying in from Australia arriving (and ready to leave) LAX/downtown friday 15th at 10am. Really hope someone can help!! Will clearly make it more than worthwhile for you financially. Thanks, Keiran PS> i am a nice guy!! born traveller and festival goer!!
Zip: 85281 - 03/19/2011
Have room for 2 more. We are car camping and have 2 extra seats for the ride from Tempe (or most valley locations) to Indio. Leaving Thursday afternoon-ish. Could do the ride back also but I need to be in Tempe by morning so driving through the night. Gas $ would help but it'd be cheap w/ 4 people.
Tijuana - 03/19/2011
Carpool + Camping leaving Thursady afternooon coming back Monday morning
Zip: 85281 - 03/18/2011
I am one person driving from Tempe Arizona, I can only take one other person but I'd love to meet up and see about helping out with a ride!
Zip: 9006 - 03/18/2011
Eugene, Oregon - 03/18/2011
needing a ride for 2 from portland/eugene area
Zip: 92110 - 03/18/2011
Looking for a ride from SD... Email me!!
Zip: 95064 - 00/00/0000
I need a ride. Help please2011-03-30 23:01:46
San Diego, California - 00/00/0000
Leaving SD Thursday for some early bird camping. Not really interested in $, just some hands to help set up!2011-04-03 17:01:06
Zip: 97405 - 00/00/0000
I need a ride to and from Coachella, can I ride with you2011-04-04 17:07:33