Coachella Music Festival 2015 (Weekend 1)
Event Info
Zip: 90007 - 04/10/2015
Hey there! I gave my friends my car last night in order for them to setup camping. I will be working until 3 PM and want to leave directly after. Please let me know if I could take your offer and ride with you to Coachella around that time. I would highly appreciate it and would even be willing to pay some more for you to leave at that time. Thank you so much and I hope this works out. You can directly contact me from my phone 4106086016. Please let me know and I will be your best passenger ever! I can come to where you are!
Zip: 93117 - 04/09/2015
Weekend 2: Need ride for 2 people Thursday! can meet in LA if that's easier.
Zip: 85282 - 04/08/2015
Hey! I am looking to carpool to Coachella weekend 1! I was originally going to drive down with a few friends but they want to leave Friday and I don't want to miss any of the sets. I was hoping to find an open seat with someone leaving Thursday night, 04/09/15, from the Tempe/Phoenix area and return on Monday afternoon, 04/13/15. If this matches up with what you have planned please get back to me! Its not only a life saver but it would be pretty sweet to split the cost of gas
Glendale, California - 04/05/2015
I offer ride to Cochella Music festival . Txt me. I can take up to 3 people in sedans and up to 6 in our vans.
San Luis Obispo - 04/02/2015
Leaving SLO Wednesday evening. Looking for couple people to pitch in for gas.
Oakland, California - 04/02/2015
Bay Area -> SLO -> Coachella
Leaving Wednesday morning. Asking $50 (less than an equal portion with the two main riders).
Leaving Wednesday morning. Asking $50 (less than an equal portion with the two main riders).
Los Angeles, California - 03/28/2015
I need a ride for 2 from LAX on Thursday for Weekend 1. I arrive around 9 PM. Please let me know!!
Pomona, California - 03/27/2015
hey need a lift to coachella well my cousin is leaving Thursday to set up our car camp and hes driving a suburban and i will be heading out early Friday have room for two people let me know if you are interested. lets have a dope time at coachella.
Zip: 85284 - 03/08/2015
My friend and I have a camping car spot for weekend 1 but no car. If someone wants to stay with us and is willing to drive, please let me know!

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