Earth Harmony Festival 2017
Event Info
Tucson, Arizona - 10/04/2017
Looking for a round trip ride.
Zip: 85283 - 10/01/2017
one person. female. 27. one bag. maybe a guitar. free spirit and hate societies consumption. always have, always seen this as the new way for a better life. I was diagnosed with cancer, not doing chemotherapy, no biggy, but in Wisconsin, my home state, this kind of "stuff" is frowned upon. I'm here now, and I have to get here! Please thank you and one love! Ale Enneper. 920.762.0224
Tucson, Arizona - 09/26/2017
Two fest volunteers seeking ride south from Tucson early friday morning (Oct. 6th). Will need to be to fest grounds by 8am. Can contribute some gas $!
Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona - 09/25/2017
Me and 2 kids, ONe tent, 2 sleeping bags, some small provisions to go with and lots of friendship as well. Can share in gas funds and I saw that group rates are less expensive if willing to camp. We wish to attend both days and return Sunday evening. We are NEW to TUCSON completely and will need someone who can guide us! Thank you.
Gilbert, Arizona - 09/15/2017
I have no means of transportation but can purchase in for gas. Would mean the world to me!

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