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Joshua Tree Music Festival Fall 2024

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San Francisco, California - 10/02/2024
Start at 5th or 6th. Go ON Highway 1 - Monterey/Big Sur ... Want to BE ON 10th in Palm Springs (drop the Car). Than with Bus to the Festival ... Write me If interested. Best with Telefonnummer (and Messenger "Signal")
Lake Grove, New York - 10/01/2024
Looking for a ride leaving from LA on Tuesday 8th or Wednesday 9th can leave anytime :) Have a workshift as volunteer on JTMF Thursday 10th.
Zip: 92064 - 09/26/2024
Heading up early afternoon on 10/9 and heading back evening of 10/13
Santa Barbara, California - 09/24/2024
Looking for a ride Monday, 10/14 to the Santa Barbara airport anytime. I'm open to a ride to that general area if you're going in that direction. Happy to pitch in for gas.
California, United States - 09/21/2024
Female going to Bhakti fest

September 26th. From airport in Palm Springs
LA - 09/21/2024
Looking for a ride back to the city on the 13th
Los Angeles, California - 09/11/2024
Looking for a ride from LAX / West LA area.

Will possibly be volunteering at the festival and can join a ride 7-10 Oct.
Temecula, California - 08/07/2024
I'm planning on going from 10- 13th. If you're anywhere within 25 miles from my route hit me up.