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Lightning in a Bottle 2022

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Los Angeles, California - 05/22/2023
First time going to Lighting in the bottle with my friend on Friday 05/26. Need a ride if you're driving in that direction.

We are ready to chip in for gas and food.

Thank you
Rungis, Île-de-France - 05/22/2023
First time going to Lighting in the bottle with my friend on Friday 05/26. Need a ride if you're driving in that direction.

We are ready to chip in for gas and food.

Thank you
Rungis, Île-de-France - 05/22/2023
First time going to Lighting in the bottle with my friend on Friday 05/26. Need a ride if you're driving in that direction.

We are ready to chip in for gas and food.

Thank you

Zip: 94110 - 05/13/2022
First time LIB-er needing a ride!

Down to split on gas!! :)

26yo and non-binary---will offer to DJ, but has bad music tastes lol