Lucidity Festival 2015 - Kindred Quest
Event Info
Santa Barbara, California - 04/02/2016
Looking leave for Lucidity on Sunday, preferably before noon. Will provide gas money, chocolate, and good conversation! Need to fit a unicycle and sleeping bag if possible :)
California, United States - 04/12/2015
N need of a ride to the bay area anytime on monday. I can help break down and help I'm any way. . 408-595-0322
Saratoga, California - 04/12/2015
This is a test post. Don't respond!
Zip: 93101 - 04/12/2015
Need a ride from Lucidity to San Diego tomorrow, I have gas money!
Zip: 93101 - 04/12/2015
I need a ride from lucidity to kelso, WA. I HAVE GAS MONEY
Isla Vista, California - 04/10/2015
I am looking for a ride to and from Lucidity on Sunday. I'd prefer going early in the morning and returning around midnight, but I am flexible.
Zip: 94117 - 04/10/2015
Hi all! I'm looking for a ride to Lucidity Friday late afternoon/evening. I'm in SF but could travel anywhere in the Bay (or potentially further) for a ride. Should just have a backpack. Let me know if you're heading out around that time!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Zip: 91107 - 04/10/2015
Hi, I'm heading out of Pasadena CA tomorrow in a 2 door compact car. There will not be very much room. Room available for one person and smallllll luggage. I will head sometime tomorrow in the morning possibly early afternoon.
Newport Beach, California - 04/09/2015
Looking for a ride: Hello! My name is Anita, I just HitchHiked my way from Nevada to LA area. I am volunteering, and have to be at the event by Friday morning, and since HH here is very difficult here- I am asking for a ride. I am willing to help you. Thank you! :)(Newport beach area)
Santa Barbara - 04/09/2015
Need a ride Saturday. Morning, or? Can meet dt Santa Barbara or at Painted Cave Rd and hwy 154 (on the way!). Blessings on your journey.
Palo Alto, California - 04/09/2015
I have some spare room in my car. Leaving friday morning early and returning late sunday night. Let me know if I can help.
Zip: 94109 - 04/09/2015
Looking for a roundtrip for 2 or just a return (sunday by 2pm)...thanks! We pack light!
Santa Barbara - 04/09/2015
HI! I'll be taking the amtrak to Santa Barbara tomorrow and I will be arriving around 11:40 a.m, I am looking for a ride from the amtrak station to the festival, please & thank you
Santa Cruz - 04/09/2015
heading down Friday at 11:00am from Santa Cruz if anyone would like to join me! :) I Had some change of plans with rides so I am riding alone and would love some company!
Zip: 93101 - 04/09/2015
I'll be arriving in Santa Barbara tonight around 9:45pm. I'd appreciate a ride to the festival either late tonight, or early tomorrow morning (I have a volunteer shift at 11:00am).
I'm easy to get along with, and would love to join you on the last leg of your journey to Lucidity ( ;
Cheers, Edward
I'm easy to get along with, and would love to join you on the last leg of your journey to Lucidity ( ;
Cheers, Edward
San Diego, California - 04/09/2015
Offering a ride to Lucidity in a comfortable vehicle, that still hasn't been washed from car camping at Serenity! Likely leaving Friday morning around 10am due to last minute work. Let me know! :) I LOVE rideshares and meeting new people! I have both passenger and driver listings posted, so whatever works!
San Diego, California - 04/09/2015
Looking for a ride to Lucidity, preferably leaving Friday morning! I'm super easy going and LOVE rideshares and meeting new people, and c'mon, we're going to Lucidity! I don't have a lot of stuff if there's extra space I have some special items for comfort!
Grass Valley, California - 04/09/2015
right now I am planning on driving alone but I am very open to jumping in someone's ride as well. I have gas money and a valid drivers license. I am chill with minimum stuff. I am in grass valley. 831-295-1427. I can come to you in sacremento as well. Also maybe lets carpool I have a working truck too.
Grass Valley, California - 04/09/2015
i will either be leaving late Thursday night or early fri am for lucidity, I can also pick someone up in sacremento or along the way. I have a Toyota Tacoma with room for 2. 831-295-1427
San Francisco, California - 04/08/2015
Hey folks, I can fit one or two extra people in my car down to Lucidity. We'll be leaving SF friday morning and leaving Lucidity Monday morning.
Hey folks, I can fit one or two extra people in my car down to Lucidity. We'll be leaving SF friday morning and leaving Lucidity Monday morning.
Oceanside, California - 04/08/2015
Manifesting a ride from anyone in SD county. I'm in Oceanside right by the 5 freeway. Totally on the way. Offering gas, grass, or ass ;) I pack light and can entertain you with my festival stories.... Long story short, don't drink the hippie juice!!! :P I can also trade my art. I also know a lot of people On the inside and can get you a volunteer spot at other festivals :D Let's go to lucidity!!!!
Santa Ana, California - 04/08/2015
Looking for ride to lucidity. I have a ride back. I'm packing light. Im working Friday until 2:30pm. Would like to leave immediately afterward. Willing to take train to meet.
I'm a great passenger!!! Easy going and great personality.
I'm a great passenger!!! Easy going and great personality.
Ventura, California - 04/08/2015
I am leaving Ventura Friday evening by 6:30pm and returning probably stupid late Sunday night, due to an inability to take time off work I am solo, everyone I know will already be on-site and I can't shuttle due to my need to leave Sunday night. I have room in my car for 2 people plus gear if anyone in Ventura or SB is in need let me know.
Eugene, Oregon - 04/08/2015
Hey fellow travelers! I am looking for a ride to Lucidity and possibly back. I'm in Eugene and looking to leave either today or tomorrow. Can provide gas funds. Let's make memories!
Zip: 90015 - 04/08/2015
Leaving from downtown on Thursday. I have a small SUV, room for 1 plus reasonable amount of gear. Gas money required :)
Zip: 94542 - 04/08/2015
anybody starting late thursday night? plz contact me at 7176067619
Emeryville, California - 04/08/2015
Offering a ride back from Lucidity leaving the festival ground around 1 or 2 pm.
Santa Cruz, California - 04/08/2015
RIDE OFFERED for two leaving Santa Cruz 11:30 am on Thursday!
Probably heading back up on Monday morning.
Please message me asap if interested my loves!
Probably heading back up on Monday morning.
Please message me asap if interested my loves!
Zip: 95472 - 04/07/2015
Last minute rides to or from Lucidity needed? We have two _small_ "jump"
seats in the extended cab of my partner's Toyota Tacoma truck. We can take some stuff but not crazy amounts. You need to live along 101 or 280 (exception for detour through Vallejo or Oakland) on or near the following route: Sonoma County, Marin County, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, San Jose, Monterey, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo. We'll pro-rate your gas depending on when you hop in. We'll leave Sebastopol around 6 PM. We do NOT have Thursday passes, so we'll drive down to Santa Barbara, split a cheap hotel or possibly sleep on the futon in the back of the truck with two sleeping in the cab, and hit the gates first thing Friday morning. We'll leave Sunday probably mid-afternoon, and return along the same route. Can't make any major exceptions to these plans and can't wait around on Sunday for any disappearing acts. smile emoticon If this sounds like you...let us know!!!
seats in the extended cab of my partner's Toyota Tacoma truck. We can take some stuff but not crazy amounts. You need to live along 101 or 280 (exception for detour through Vallejo or Oakland) on or near the following route: Sonoma County, Marin County, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, San Jose, Monterey, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo. We'll pro-rate your gas depending on when you hop in. We'll leave Sebastopol around 6 PM. We do NOT have Thursday passes, so we'll drive down to Santa Barbara, split a cheap hotel or possibly sleep on the futon in the back of the truck with two sleeping in the cab, and hit the gates first thing Friday morning. We'll leave Sunday probably mid-afternoon, and return along the same route. Can't make any major exceptions to these plans and can't wait around on Sunday for any disappearing acts. smile emoticon If this sounds like you...let us know!!!
Zip: 90210 - 04/07/2015
Hello lovely people!!
Me and my dear cousin Arielle are looking for a ride to lucidity this Friday. We have gas money, good jokes, crystals, and glitter to offer!!! Please let me know my number is 13108018326
Nahal Yashar
Me and my dear cousin Arielle are looking for a ride to lucidity this Friday. We have gas money, good jokes, crystals, and glitter to offer!!! Please let me know my number is 13108018326
Nahal Yashar
Cupertino, California - 04/07/2015
hey there.. looking for a ride to the festival anytime thursday or friday would be amazing. I only have a backpack and a firestaff :)
Oceanside, California - 04/07/2015
Hey! Im Tascha! I need a ride to Lucidity! I'm painting in the Goddess Grove Village on the Triptych stage. I got my ticket and am ready to go on Thursday night or Friday morning from Oceanside. Will pitch gas and good vibes. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Zip: 94110 - 04/07/2015
Gypsy warrior in need of ride down to the wonderland that is Lucidity. Will pay for gas as well as provide smiles, good music and captivating stories. I am interested in heading down Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Let me know if you have some space
Zip: 92707 - 04/07/2015
My name is Luke, & I'm working at one of the food vendors this weekend. Looking to get there Weds or Thursday for early set up. Also looking to return Sunday night. I can pitch in some money on gas, of course, and I have a large backpack. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you're in the area. Thanks, and I'll see y'all this weekend.
My name is Luke, & I'm working at one of the food vendors this weekend. Looking to get there Weds or Thursday for early set up. Also looking to return Sunday night. I can pitch in some money on gas, of course, and I have a large backpack. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you're in the area. Thanks, and I'll see y'all this weekend.
Zip: 90210 - 04/07/2015
I'm driving up Wed. morning headed back to LA SAT.
Would appreciate gas $.
I also have car camping so you don't have to carry your things on shuttle! :-)
Let me know if you need a ride.
I'm driving up Wed. morning headed back to LA SAT.
Would appreciate gas $.
I also have car camping so you don't have to carry your things on shuttle! :-)
Let me know if you need a ride.
Culver City, California - 04/07/2015
Hello there!
I'm driving up Thursday early afternoon from Culver City, coming back Sunday evening.
Let me know if you want a ride there or back :)
I'm driving up Thursday early afternoon from Culver City, coming back Sunday evening.
Let me know if you want a ride there or back :)
Santa Cruz, CA - 04/07/2015
I have a Lexus Hybrid with room for 1 passenger. I'll be leaving early Thursday morning, so you'd have to have early arrival. Let me know if you wanna cruise!
San Diego, California - 04/07/2015
Hey lovelies
I am looking for a ride out to lucidity Thursday evening, I can help with driving snd gas. If you have space for one please let me know:)! Much love
I am looking for a ride out to lucidity Thursday evening, I can help with driving snd gas. If you have space for one please let me know:)! Much love
Albuquerque, New Mexico - 04/07/2015
My roommate and I have Thursday arrival passes and are leaving Wednesday morning for California from Albuquerque New Mexico We have room for two people if anyone wants to ride out with us!!
San Francisco, California - 04/07/2015
Hello new friends! My bf and I have seats for 2 people packing lightly, leaving from SF around 5am Friday morning, and returning early Monday morning.
Zip: 94601 - 04/07/2015
Leaving tomorrow TUES for LUCIDITY from oakland around 2-3pm, will get there either late tuesday or early thursday... might camp near SLO on the way down depending on timing. I have room for 2-3 people and some gear...let me know asap 512-419-9321
Zip: 95063 - 04/06/2015
Looking for riders with Early Arrival pass to Lucidity. I am leaving early Thursday morning for Lucidity and returning Monday afternoon. Looking for riders to share in gas $. I have a Honda CRV with roof racks and trunk space.
Oakland, California - 04/06/2015
I'm leaving *early* on Thursday morning (7am at the latest, I have a shift early afternoon!) from East Oakland near Fruitvale BART, returning to the Bay Monday
Portland, Oregon - 04/06/2015
Heading out from portland on wed toward lucidity if i can find some ride sharers, halla if your it. i have a van with room for 2 or 3
Oakland, California - 04/06/2015
I am leaving Friday night around 5pm (hoping to leave from work in SF but happy to pick people up elsewhere en route), and returning on Sunday night (leaving site around 5pm). I live in Oakland.
I have a small car so I could take 1-2 people plus moderate gear. Would love some company and help with gas $!
Sarah Sunrise
I have a small car so I could take 1-2 people plus moderate gear. Would love some company and help with gas $!
Sarah Sunrise
Zip: 90291 - 04/06/2015
Looking to leave for early arrival. Either Monday late afternoon or Tues morning. Room for a couple people and bags/gear.
I definitely need gas money.. am out of fuel. $20 per person would be super helpful.
I definitely need gas money.. am out of fuel. $20 per person would be super helpful.
Zip: 92630 - 04/06/2015
Going to be leaving either thursday morning or friday, depending on what my volunteer schedule is. I'll be leaving o'dark thirty early to beat traffic, if you want a ride from this area to LA let me know
Berkeley, California - 04/06/2015
Hello Bay Area oneironauts!
I'm looking for a ride to Lucidity and can most definitely throw down on gas and good vibes :) I'm located in Berkeley but can also get myself to SF in Cole Valley for departure if needed.
I work at home on Thursday until 8pm so I'm down to leave right at 8, get as far as we can, find a cheap air bnb, and get to the gate early Friday morning
I'm down to leave ridiculously early Friday morning.
Here's my facebook link if stalking is your thing ;)
I'm looking for a ride to Lucidity and can most definitely throw down on gas and good vibes :) I'm located in Berkeley but can also get myself to SF in Cole Valley for departure if needed.
I work at home on Thursday until 8pm so I'm down to leave right at 8, get as far as we can, find a cheap air bnb, and get to the gate early Friday morning
I'm down to leave ridiculously early Friday morning.
Here's my facebook link if stalking is your thing ;)
Albuquerque, New Mexico - 04/06/2015
Room for 2 people. Split gas. Driving I40 west from Albuquerque, NM to Santa Barbara. May stop in LA or Malibu. Open to additional stops, as long as we arrive the the festival by mid afternoon on Friday.
Zip: 94121 - 04/05/2015
I am volunteering in the mindful feeding kitchen and my last shift is Monday ending at 11pm. I am looking for a ride back to SF either late that night or Tuesday! I will split gas and be lovely company! And also be super grateful.
I am volunteering in the mindful feeding kitchen and my last shift is Monday ending at 11pm. I am looking for a ride back to SF either late that night or Tuesday! I will split gas and be lovely company! And also be super grateful.
Zip: 94121 - 04/05/2015
I am looking for a ride down to the festival from SF on Wednesday. I am volunteering in the mindful feeding kitchen and my shift starts at five pm so I have to be there before or by then! I will split gas and provide great company! And will be so gracious to anyone who is able to help me out!!
I am looking for a ride down to the festival from SF on Wednesday. I am volunteering in the mindful feeding kitchen and my shift starts at five pm so I have to be there before or by then! I will split gas and provide great company! And will be so gracious to anyone who is able to help me out!!
Zip: 94707 - 04/05/2015
Hi folks!
I'm hoping to find a kind soul to give me a ride to lucidity, arriving mid day Thursday for early arrival. Willing and able to leave berkeley Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Do not need a ride back after the festival, but looking forward to sharing good times and good vibes with you on the way there!
I'm hoping to find a kind soul to give me a ride to lucidity, arriving mid day Thursday for early arrival. Willing and able to leave berkeley Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Do not need a ride back after the festival, but looking forward to sharing good times and good vibes with you on the way there!
Zip: 91356 - 04/05/2015
Hey, I'm performing at co-managing the Lover's Nest Stage, need to be up there Tuesday the 7th. Please give me a call if you can help, will be happy to share gas, thanks! (818) 209-7800 - ILAN
Pasadena, California - 04/05/2015
Need a ride to lucidity friday morning to play a set for a yoga class on saturday and sunday
Santa Barbara - 04/04/2015
I will be flying into Los Angeles on Sunday morning, and taking a bus to Santa barbara that evening in order to make it to the Permaculture course. Anyone heading frtom either spot trying to make it to the farm?
Love And Light, Jeremy
Love And Light, Jeremy
Big Sur, California - 04/03/2015
Need a ride to the build site as soon as possible
Burbank, California - 04/03/2015
One Lucidity Mama here heading up to the Festival mid-day Thursday, 4/9 in a VW camper van with room to spare (1-3 riders)! I will be returning to Burbank Sunday, 4/12, late afternoon. I can take the 101 or 5N/126/101, my usual route to SB. Am willing to come pick up - within a reasonable distance - and will so love to have new friends to share the trip ...
Santa Cruz, Canarias - 04/03/2015
Hello! I'm looking to see if anyone is leaving Friday afternoon after 5 pm and coming back Monday mid day or in the afternoon? I have gas money, snacks and goodies to share! Love & light ~
Los Angeles, California - 04/03/2015
Hello dear ones :)
I am volunteering at the box office at Lucidity, my first shift is on thursday at 6pm
Looking for a ride there thursday morning. I will be in San Pedro but can get closer to you!
I can help with gas too.
Thank you!
I am volunteering at the box office at Lucidity, my first shift is on thursday at 6pm
Looking for a ride there thursday morning. I will be in San Pedro but can get closer to you!
I can help with gas too.
Thank you!
Zip: 93101 - 04/03/2015
need a ride from SB area to lucidity on Thursday afternoon. I can help with gas $ :)
Zip: 93101 - 04/03/2015
Anyone in need of a ride from SB to Lucidity on Thursday? I'm leaving around noon, just need help with gas $
Zip: 94612 - 04/03/2015
Would anyone like a ride? I'm driving down from Oakland on Friday afternoon, and returning on Monday morning! I have room for 2 ^_^
Zip: 94703 - 04/03/2015
I'm heading down from Berkeley late Wed night/ earrly Thursday for a Thursday morning shift on site. I'll be heading back to the bay late Sunday night. Let me know if you want a ride!
Zip: 94109 - 04/03/2015
Hello dears!! I need a ride home to be back in SF by noon and no later!! It's very important I make it to class on Monday. I have gas money of course and chill vibes! I will be your road dawg! Would mean a lot!
Folsom, California - 04/03/2015
Looking to be back home in folsom by Sunday night or monday by/before noon! :) will pitch in for gas. I'd appreciate it!
Marina, California - 04/02/2015
I am leaving from CSUMB (Monterey Peninsula) and can pick up a couple people! I have a 5 person sedan and a saxophone, so there's a little bit of space left for whoever wants to make a friend!
Zip: 93117 - 04/02/2015
I will be getting a 2 day ticket for Lucidity and would love to carpool with someone who will also be headed to Kindred Quest on Saturday. I live in the college town of UCSB, Isla Vista and will provide money for gasoline and snacks. :) let me know beautiful souls
Oakland, CA - 04/02/2015
Are there any other families or those who wouldn't mind traveling with a family, coming from the bay area? My 5yo son and I are heading down together to meet my fiance who will be there a week early during the build days for his sign painting job. We are hoping to journey down with other like minded folks. Pm if you have thoughts or availibility. (((
Los Angeles, CA - 04/02/2015
Looking for a ride from LA to Lucidity Friday afternoon, returning Sunday night. If anyone can offer a ride there and/or back (round trip or one way), please contact me, I will pitch in for gas and am quite pleasant to ride with. Thank you! :)
Pomona, California - 04/01/2015
I have a van, but she is a gas hog. If we can put together 5-7 people at $20 a piece for gas, my roommate can drive us to Lucidity. Walking in though. Still, if need be, hit me up! 626-643-1119 after party at my place :) jk maybe
Pomona, California - 04/01/2015
Looking from a ride from Pomona to Lucidity! Can offer gas money and food!! Can also offer rides to up to 5 people in my van, if we can put together $100 in gas money. She's a beast. My number is 626-643-1119
Zip: 93401 - 04/01/2015
Leaving from SLO Thursday morning to go to Lucidity! Have room for 2 and your stuff (as long as you don't have toooo much!) Blessings!
Big Bear Lake, California - 04/01/2015
hey hey, in search of a ride for myself and my smoothie bike! from big bear or at the bottom of the hill.
Los Angeles, California - 04/01/2015
Hello lovelies!!! I am arriving into LAX at 10 am on April 7th and would love a ride to Lucidity anytime on the 7th, 8th or 9th. Can contribute gas money smiles and hugs! Also if anyone is heading to San Francisco after Lucidity I'd love a ride to SF afterwards!! Thank you so much!
California, United States - 03/31/2015
I'm offering a ride to Santa Barbara from the Bay the weekend BEFORE Lucidity (4/3-4/4), as I'll be helping with build again this year.
Los Angeles - 03/31/2015
hiii! Im coming to Lucidity from New York! need a ride please! arriving at the airport in LA on wed or thursday and sunday back
Long Beach, California - 03/31/2015
Hi I'm Maryanne. I'll be in Long Beach from Portland visiting friends. A group of my friends from home (Portland) will be at Lucidity and I can camp with them if I can get up there. I don't really want to rent a car or take the train. is there any way I could share a ride with one of you fine people? Of course I'll split the costs, and I'm a great co-pilot. I'd love to see this work out.
Zip: 91711 - 03/31/2015
Hi, I'm Elie! I'm looking for a ride from Claremont on Saturday morning. I love pitching in for gas and sharing food and jams.
Daly City, California - 03/31/2015
pleeeeeeaase i need a ride :(
Zip: 92107 - 03/30/2015
seeking a ride, ideally for me and one other seastar, from san diego, or nearby to santa barbara for lucidity
San Diego, California - 03/29/2015
I fly into S.D. from Kauai on the 1st at 7:30pm to start building asap. I can catch a bus or train north but because of the time of day all of them drop me off at union station where I'd have to spend the night in the parking lot. This I do not want to do. All I need to do is get to ventura
California, United States - 03/28/2015
James here! I am planning to go up on Thursday morning to help build Lovers Nest. Please let me know if you're also going up on Thurs & we can figure out a winwin:
Long Beach, California - 03/28/2015
Hey! I am looking for a ride to and from Lucidity, would like to head out friday early morning and be back by Monday. My plane arrives at LAX on Thursday and have a friend in long beach where i could spend the night, looking for a ride from there or from L.A -can contribute with gas money and sweet vibes!
Los Angeles, California - 03/28/2015
Hey! I am looking for a ride to and from Lucidity, would like to head out friday early morning and be back by Monday. My plane arrives at LAX on Thursday and have a friend in long beach where i could spend the night, looking for a rode from there or from L.A -can contribute with gas money and sweet vibes!
Zip: 94612 - 03/28/2015
My sister and I are looking for a ride hiding out early Friday morning. We are excited to make this our first festival :) We can provide gas money and good vibes.
Zip: 94117 - 03/27/2015
Hi - I am looking for a ride on Friday or early Sat morning, coming back Sunday or Monday (flexible). Thanks!
Ashland, Oregon - 03/27/2015
Looking for a way to and from or either or to lucidity from Ashland:) I'll contribute however I can I do love to travel let me know!
San Francisco, California - 03/26/2015
My gf and I are looking to catch a ride down thursday as early as possible from the SF/SJ bay area. Looking to come home Sunday or Monday, not on a strict timeline. Have gas money, good vibes and sticky greens to share. Please hit me up if you can help out!! Thank you! Many blessings
Los Angeles, CA - 03/25/2015
I'm flying in from the Northwest and will be volunteering in the kitchen at Lucidity. I'll arrive at LAX around 6:00pm on Thursday, with a flight back on Tuesday at 11:00am.
I'd love to meet someone who can help me with a ride to and from the festival. Of course I can chip in for gas, as well as provide some good laughs and adventure vibes. I'm psyched to meet you!
I'd love to meet someone who can help me with a ride to and from the festival. Of course I can chip in for gas, as well as provide some good laughs and adventure vibes. I'm psyched to meet you!
Acapulco, Guerrero - 03/22/2015
I am looking for a ride on Sunday evening back up to the Santa Cruz area. I have work early Monday morning so it's crucial I get back in time! Anyone think they can help me out? I am down to share driving time, contribute to gas, and eat delicious post festival food!
San Francisco, California - 03/20/2015
I'm an artist who needs to be at Lucidity the night before it opens. To clarify I must be on the grounds on April 9th.
I have a few flat 16x20 prints and a small tent.
Happy to chip in for gas
I have a few flat 16x20 prints and a small tent.
Happy to chip in for gas

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