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2019 Washington Young Farmers Coalition Mixer

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98501 - 10/25/2019
Leaving the Olympia area at 12:30pm and returning to Olympia by 10pm. I have room for 2 more folks in my car.
Portland, Oregon - 10/20/2019
I have four seats in my Honda Element. I'd love to split gas for the drive up. I may or may not need to work the day of the event. Will keep you posted. If I work the day of I will be near the Sumner/Parkrose transit center. I can make pick ups along the way up 1-5. I don't want to purchase a train ticket given this unknown. If you were thinking of driving up I'd be down to carpool with ya. I am also looking for a place to stay that night and return to Portland, Or anytime on Monday. I live near the Lloyd Center Transit center. If I don't work (should know by the previous Wednesday) I'd be open to leaving the night of the 26th, after the Native Artist and Storytelling symposium at PSU sponsored by Wisdom of the Elders and featuring my farm food.
Tacoma, Washington - 10/20/2019
Planning to leave Tacoma around 1 for Seattle, to get there in time for the afternoon farm tours and work. Not going to stay late at the potluck - will leave by 8pm to return to Tacoma by 9pm.

I have a small SUV, can fit up to 4 other people. We could coordinate from throughout Pierce County.
Langley, Washington - 10/15/2019
I got a mini van. Its old and it has no seats or seatbelts. Living large! Gonna throw a bed in it and someone can lay down an pray for their lives!

Leaving south Whidbey island prolly abouts 4ish. Prolly staying the night in the van with my girlfriend. Leave in the morning or if someone aint drunk we drive back Sunday night.
Bellingham, Washington - 09/29/2019
We have a 12-seat van and will be headed south, dancing and hanging and etc. and then headed north! Unless we find a spot we can all spend the night? TBD