On October 12, join fellow members of the Nonprofit Association of Oregon for our third Annual Meeting. Your involvement has been crucial to making NAO a responsive organization and collective voice for the sector. Hear from dynamic speakers, and learn more about our work to mobilize and serve the sector.
The meeting will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please join us for breakfast and networking at 8:00 a.m. The business agenda will begin at 9:00 a.m. Times for other specific agenda items may change.
8:00 Breakfast & Networking - 9:00 Business Program: Welcoming Remarks, Report on Mission, Treasurer Report, Committee Reports - 10:00 Guest Speaker & Keynote Address - “Helping Nonprofits, Helping Oregon” with Ted Wheeler - “Embracing a New Generation of Leaders” with Nichole Maher - 12:00 Meet the Authors & Book Signing (The Oregon Nonprofit Corporation Handbook, 5th Edition)
Election of Board of Directors
Our bylaws state that a majority of our Board of Directors shall be designated representatives from member organizations, and in May or June of each year, we ask member organizations for Board nominations. We are working to build a slate that is both representative of our membership and of Oregon’s diverse nonprofit community. The slate will be presented to member organizations for a vote, and the newly elected Board members will be announced at the meeting. More information about the voting process will be available soon.
Nichole Maher, the recently appointed CEO of the Northwest Health Foundation will be this year’s keynote speaker, and will address the work of emerging nonprofit leaders in Oregon. We’ll also be joined by State Treasurer Ted Wheeler.
Who Should Attend?
The Annual Meeting is free and open to both nonprofit and affiliate members of the Nonprofit Association of Oregon. -